Tag Archives: fingering

Dirty dogger: she tries dogging on her own

This red-hot dogging erotica is written and read by Molly, of Molly’s Daily Kiss, and originally appeared on her website. 

“What about you Gina? Fancy a bit of late night dogging?”

Gina felt the heat of embarrassment flush at her cheeks as the lads continued their banter between themselves.


You can feel your lover’s pulse with one finger

You can feel your lover’s pulse with one finger. You know this, of course, but I bet you don’t think about it often. I thought about it the other day and the force of it hit me like a punch in the chest. You can feel the thud of their blood running through their body, keeping them alive. The heartbeat that powers the person who makes you quiver with need. The one you want to bury your nose, your face, your fucking life in… you can feel your lover’s pulse with a single finger. Isn’t that awesome?


Tentacles: Ravished in the cave by the sea

This glorious fantasy story is written and read by Molly Moore, and originally appeared on her website – MollysDailyKiss. Note that this story contains elements of non consensual kidnap and dubious consent that turns into consensual non consent/ravishment. It contains fear and terror, creature/human sex, tentacles, and copious amounts of jizz.

Why did I do it? Like so many things that we do on impulse, in a fit of madness it seemed like a good idea at the time. Now, as he guided me into the cave, I was not so sure.


Champagne and Lust 2: The threesome

This stunning threesome erotica is written and read by Spencer Pritchard and it picks up the story from part 1 (exhibitionism at the hotel). Check that out first before returning here to dive back in… 

My mind is foggy. My eyes are bleary. My mouth feels like it is full of cotton wool. I can feel the warmth of your body to one side of me. I can just hear the shallow breath of you sleeping. I can feel the tell tale signs of a disheveled bed around me and the pliable but firm casing of your vibrator under my pillow. My body hair is stiff and matted with the previous evening’s sweat and come, and the sweet scent of hard sex lingers in the air. The hotel is full of noises. Maids cleaning rooms. Couples collecting their thrown clothes from the floor and furniture. People going about their regular lives in the street so many floors below. The shower in our en-suite running… I get halfway through thinking “…who the fuck is in our shower?” when the events of the past few hours flood my memory like a vivid dream.


First time femme domme: anticipation, pain and pleasure

This fabulous first time femme domme story is written and recorded by Robyn of RobynEatsEverything. This piece contains BDSM including impact play, nipple clamps, and a pinwheel.

As my finger hovers a centimetre away from their skin, threatening to make contact, they start to beg; they whimper and whine and plead with me to touch them. Their face is contorted, their eyes crumpled closed, as though the lack of touch is causing them excruciating pain. I study them and consider gently pushing my finger into their chest, granting them the relief they’re so desperate for, but only briefly; it is far too delicious watching them tremble and quake. As my finger continues to float its way across their naked body, closely following the contours of their chest, they let out an anguished groan as they realise they’re not going to feel it.
