Tag Archives: sexual anticipation

Please may I see your dick?

This fabulous story about wanting to see your dick is written and read by Robyn of RobynEatsEverything

Please, can I see more of you? I see you there, fully clothed, sitting with one leg propped on another, and I can’t help myself; what’s underneath? My eyes are drawn between your thighs again and again because I want to see, I want to know. It’s practically magnetic. My mind has conjured an image of you, but I want to see if it’s true. Does it look like it does in my dreams? There has been talk of it, deliciously course talk about what it can do to me, will do to me. But now, I need to see.


In use: a gang bang fantasy

This stunningly filthy gang bang fantasy is written and read by Molly Moore, and originally appeared on her website. Note that this fantasy contains humiliation, degradation, restraints, a gang bang, mentions of piss play and elements of consensual non-consent.

I don’t have all the pieces. It is a fantasy. Sometimes they can be a bit like dreams, with bits that just happen, or locations that you don’t really know or recognise. It is about how it feels, how it makes me feel, much more than it is about the where or the who. There are various version of this fantasy, they share a central theme but the details change. I have never written this one before. It always felt too personal, too intimate in some way but the current kink of the week which is about being naked while everyone else is clothed made me think about this story and so I decided to see if I could give life to the images in my head.


Two weeks: a kinky office story

This gorgeous kinky office story is written and read by Carolyna Luna, and originally appeared on her website. 

I wonder if my employees are curious about the frequency of my shuffling body today. Or of the constant hiss of the pneumonics in my office chair releasing and engaging again as I stand and then sit back down aggressively. No one has commented on the cacophony of its wheels scraping against the floor. They’re used to my furious typing, as I often spend my day that way, but that’s never stopped them from dropping by for the usual interruptions and banter. It’s odd enough for a Friday afternoon when no one’s ever in the mood to work. Even odder because I’m not furiously typing today. As the hours of silence have spilled into late afternoon, I really wonder if they somehow possibly know that my body is trying to betray me…


Kiss chase in a forest

I dipped into Twitter occasionally when I was on leave last month, and one of the things I spotted was a tweet that made me riotously horny. It was from @19syllables, one of my favourite people on Twitter (her feed is so full of joy and beauty, I love her). She tweeted “Kiss chase, but you and me in a forest and if you catch me you can take me.” It gave me all the soft-yet-powerful horny feelings. So I wrote this.


Under the table touches: this guy has a wife

There are two levels on which I’m enjoying dinner. On the surface, the main conversation – catching up with friends I’ve not seen in years. Beneath the table, something even better – his thigh nudging against mine. The oh-so-casual initial pressure that could easily be written off as an accident conjures a flash of possibility as I realise that… yeah… this guy just might want to fuck me. A rush of teenage horn flushes across my skin as I decide that I’m gonna nudge him back to find out for sure. Meeting his pressure, thigh-against-thigh, I remind myself that this guy has a wife.
