All Posts – Page 184

Halloween story (with sex, death and zombies): Come back

Last year I wrote a creepy Halloween story – I will devour you. It was just a fun little thing to write, and I enjoyed letting my inner goth collaborate with my inner pervert to do something scary. I loved it so much that this year I wrote a new Halloween sex story: based on love and reanimation. It contains BDSM, intense pain, branding, zombie sex, death and more death. Please don’t read on if those things are likely to disturb you, but if you get a thrill from scary stuff then I hope you’ll enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it.

It’s also available as audio (click ‘listen here’ above) or visit the audio porn hub to find more sexy stories read aloud, most of which, I promise, are much less creepy than this one.


Going on top: It’s my party and I’ll grind if I want to

For a brief period in my otherwise sofa-based life, I used to go running. Stop laughing at the back. My boyfriend at the time was really into his running, and his enthusiasm for this activity infected me to the point where roughly three times per week I would put on my trainers and gamely wheeze my way along a river while he ran gracefully in front. It was absolutely horrible. Still. Occasionally – VERY occasionally – I managed to get into stride. For a few brief seconds, I’d bounce lightly on my feet, propel myself with power, and breath like a normal person. During those times I got a teeny flash of joy, and a revelation – this is what it must feel like to be GOOD at this! I got the same feeling recently, when going on top during a shag. The perfect rhythm, the right amount of bounce, and a sense that this is what it must feel like to be GOOD at this.


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Sexy link roundup: sexual rights, anticipation and acrostic poetry

This week I asked people to do more sharing. In the light of more platforms cracking down on adult content, those of us who create erotica, porn, sex ed, sexual campaigning, sex toy reviews, sex work, and everything along those lines rely on your shares more than ever. Whether linking from your own blog or just spreading the love on your social channels if you can. I used to do ‘two things’ – rounding up a sexy link or two each week – but I got busy and it dropped off my radar. But ErosBlog has made a suggestion that I’m going to try my best to stick to: Share Our Shit Saturday. Three links posted each week to cool things you should check out (and share if you can!).


Guest blog: the sexiness of smell

This week’s guest blogger – Jamie Bowden-Smith – is a historian of the late 20th century and runs the Gay News Archive Project, republishing the pioneering LGBT+ newspaper of the 1970s.  He tweets at @thisisrjg and if I am 100% honest with you, he is one of the people I have met through Twitter that I would most like to go for a pint with. He has both a passion and a knack for articulating the delicious details about what makes something hot, and in this blog he applies his knack to something very close to my own heart: the sexiness of smell.


Erofame 2017: I fucked a penguin

Behold, internet gang: I bring you sex toy news from across the sea. Recently I travelled to Hannover for the sex industry trade show Erofame. If you’ve never heard of Erofame before, I can sum it up by telling you that it is basically a giant warehouse full of sex toys, and a bunch of friendly people who are very keen to sell them. Most of the people there were either buyers or sellers, so I felt a little like the weird girl who’d turned up armed with nothing but a camera phone and a penchant for bumming. But I guess that’s appropriate, because it’s exactly what I am. Read on to see some of the most interesting things I spotted at Erofame, including gooey bath liquid that you can roll around and fuck in, a slow-motion video of the most terrifying sex toy on Earth, and a penguin that sucked off my clit. Ready? Let’s go.
