Category Archives: Guest Audio

My dearest fucktoy: a femdom love letter

This gorgeous femdom love letter was written by Floss Liddell, and originally appeared on her website. It is read here by Girl on the Net. 

My Dearest Fucktoy: you are the most beautiful man I’ve ever had the privilege to love. But, that does not earn you the right to any secrets.


The scribe: Ink on skin erotica

This sublime erotic short story about desire and ink on skin, is by Tabitha Rayne. It first appeared on her website and is read here by the author herself. 

I’ve just hitched up my skirt. I’m kneeling and the hem is at my buttocks, almost exposing them, but not quite. The familiar tingling anticipation sweeps over my flesh as I part my thighs, just a little, and lift one of the implements laid out before me. I always start with the smallest – the finest.

I hold my breath and close my eyes letting my head fall back, jaw slack, in the pose that signifies the beginning of my ritual.


Three little butt plug stories

These three little butt plug stories, by Molly Moore, originally appeared on her website. They are read aloud here as audio by the author herself. All these butt plug stories detail consensual encounters, but the third one contains some elements of consensual non-consent. 


All it takes is the right toy: Femdom tease and denial

This femdom tease and denial story, by Floss Liddell, originally appeared on her website. It is read aloud here by Tabitha Rayne

I’ve got sex toys. I’ve got porn, or my sexy imagination depending on my mood. The ambience is set, the lube is out. I’ve got everything, except for the orgasm. It’s time to admit defeat. I’m bored and I know the reason why. I’ve got a better toy, a bigger toy, a living, breathing, all mine sex toy of a boy. That is what I need.


Fingering open your ass – anal fingering erotica

This delicious ode to anal fingering is written by Quinn Rhodes, and originally appeared on hir website. It is read here by Girl on the Net.

Fingering open your ass is fucking brilliant.

There’s something indescribable about pushing a lubed-up finger inside you. I take great pervy delight in doing so, because it’s filthy but also deeply intimate. If you’re letting me inside your ass, that’s a sign of trust that I get off on – almost as much as I get off on the feeling of your hot, tight clenching around my finger. It’s so ridiculously hot. I want to open you up and make you exposed and vulnerable and (for a short minute) mine.
