Tag Archives: choking

Guest blog: When you loaned me out to your friend
This week’s guest post has me running eagerly to you yelling ‘THIS!’ – this is one of my absolute top fantasies, being loaned out by a lover to one of his friends and generally used and treated like a shareable toy. There’s something so delicious about the idea of being handed around like a particularly slutty package, and I think that this incredible guest writer – Vixen – has elevated it even further in the hotness by quoting from the actual voice notes sent between the men while she got thoroughly used. Please find yourself a quiet, private space and… ahem… enjoy.

Primed to fuck: ShoeGaze Dude part 1
This fabulous true story about being primed to fuck is written by Charlotte Bayes and read as audio by Sherryl Blu. Note that this story contains some consensual choking and rough sex.
Have you ever been really really fucked? Like the type of fucking you see in films or porn, where you are just left a shell of the person you once were, and you can’t move or speak. You’ve had the world’s best orgasms and the earth has been shattered? That was my holy grail, which I obtained last week.

Savagely fucked by my reply guy
This fabulous casual sex story about getting savagely fucked by a reply guy is written by Charlotte Bayes, read by Sherryl Blu. Note that it contains some consensual choking.
I do not wish to be perceived as desperate, but after a catalogue of bad experiences both on and off The Apps, I really didn’t know what else to do but to debase myself on Twitter dot com. Asking for a date at the very least on the ‘hell site’ might be able to at least bring some more like-minded people together as opposed to random swipes and hours wasted talking to seemingly normal men. Or men who seem normal at first then turn out to use curtains instead of bedroom doors in their houseshare. They made it very clear I had to try something else.

Fucked her face in the street
This gorgeous story about facefucking and struggling to say goodbye is written and read by JM Seaborn of Written In Kink. Note that the story contains ‘Daddy’ as an honorific, all participants are consenting adults.
We walk the streets, just to talk. To say goodbye. Nothing else. We’re in public so we won’t do anything. It’s daytime so we won’t do anything. This will keep us honest. This will control us. The risk of getting caught is too much so we won’t do anyth- Fuck.

The conundrum: How do I want you?
This fabulous piece – “How do I want you?” – is written and recorded by Robyn, of RobynEatsEverything.
Why do you have to make everything so difficult simply by being you? I want to take my time with you, time to worship every inch of that impossibly sexual body of yours and learn exactly what my touch does to every little bit of it. But I also want you, need you, demand you, now. And I mean, now, right now, because you and your body are the most urgent things in my world.