Tag Archives: circumcision

Cocks are beautiful: a passionate ode to dick
This gorgeous ode to dick was written by David of The Big Gay Review. It is read here by Luke.
I love dick. No, I don’t just love dick. I am obsessed with it. My own. Other peoples. I just love dick. Which is why when I saw that the Kink of the Week prompt was all about penis; you know I had to jump on it. Literally.

Guest blog: My first encounter with an uncircumcised penis
As you probably already know, I love sex stories that chronicle first times and journeys of discovery. Especially when those discoveries are good ones. Today’s guest blog is a gorgeous short story by Jennifer Greenberg (@jm_greenberg) about encountering an uncircumcised penis for the first time. I remember having the same nervousness and surprise when I experienced the opposite, so it’s nice to have a story from someone who experienced this pleasant surprise the other way round…

On the terror of being confronted by a circumcised cock
The first time I saw a circumcised dick I froze in fear. Not because it looked weird (although for the record: it did. Don’t judge me) but because I didn’t have a sodding clue what to do with it.