Tag Archives: dick

A butt plug story: “Such a little prick tease”

This stunningly filthy butt plug story is written and read by Molly of Molly’s Daily Kiss, and originally appeared on her website. 

“When was the last time you wore this?”

I glance back over my shoulder. He is holding up the blue glass to the light, turning it one way and the other, studying it. He senses my eyes on him and turns his attention to me, an expectant look his face as he waits for my reply.


She led me by the dick

This fabulous piece is written and read by JM Seaborn of Written in Kink. Note that it contains the use of ‘Daddy’ as an honorific – all participants are consenting adults. 

It amuses me to see us in the bathroom mirror. I’m so much taller and broader than she is. We grin at our reflections. She’s proudly brimming with Daddy’s cum. Her cheeks are flushed. I have scratches on my shoulders and back. What a night it’s been.


Precipice: kinky edging erotica

This stunning kinky edging erotica is written and read by Spencer Pritchard

Sharp ropes bite into my wrists with every involuntary squirm of my body. The stiff back of the chair that my hands are tied behind pushes my straining biceps. Every muscle in my body is taut. Aflame with the constant pressure of being kept on the edge of coming.


Send nudes: the perfect nude photo

This gorgeous piece about the perfect nude is written and read by Euphemise This, and originally appeared on her website. 

I hadn’t expected this. My request for nude photos had been met with a degree of nervousness and so, after being reassuring for a short while, I let it slide. Not everyone is as comfortable as I am in front of a camera and I know that it’s hard for some people to imagine themselves through the eyes of their lover. No matter how many times someone tells you that you’re hot, believing it enough to get naked and open your phone’s camera can be challenging. So I hadn’t expected to receive a photo. This photo. This perfectly crafted work of art.


Ten years of soul-wringing orgasms with Hot Octopuss PULSE

Hey! I realised recently that I have something in common with my site sponsors Hot Octopuss (and it’s not just that we really love sex toys). Turns out it’s been ten years since they launched the kickass vibrating dick toy PULSE, and coincidentally it’s also been about ten years since I quit my day job and started blogging full-time. I wish I could say I’ve had the same success they have, selling millions of toys and creating oceans of spaff, but to be honest I haven’t sold that many toys. I reckon spaff-wise I could fill a modest pond or two, though. Maybe the Serpentine, at a push. To celebrate their ten years, they launched a really beautiful limited-edition version of their most popular sex toy – Hot Octopuss PULSE Dragon Eye – and I thought I’d take the opportunity to shout about some of the hottest adventures I’ve had with mine…
