Tag Archives: eye contact

An insane titty tease with double penetration

This stunning double penetration story is written and read by Sundial, and originally appeared on her website. 

I woke up later that night, when you both came into the room.

“I don’t know,” he said, “I just don’t know if I can keep my hands off her.”

“Mate, we’re fine. Do what you want, we’re fine, really.”


Champagne and Lust 1: exhibitionism at the hotel

This is part one of a gorgeous threesome story written and read by SpenPErotica. To whet your appetite, a little exhibitionism in the lift at the hotel…

The message you had sent me earlier had me intrigued. ‘Room 1285. Hurry, I have a present for you…’


“I won’t touch, promise”: sex in the club

This fabulous queer erotic fiction about sex in the club is written and read by Lou Kane and originally appeared on his website. 

The smell always hits me first. The stale, piss-flavored beer soaked into the floorboards that mingles with the sweat pouring out of every orifice to create a humid halo above the masses.

It’s disgusting.

I love it.


The fuck that might have been

This gorgeous story about the fuck that might have been is written and read by Robyn of Robyn Eats Everything

As their laughter petered out, they glanced at their phone; it was getting late, did I want to share a cab home? I licked the back of my teeth before I answered, yes, please. Their hand found the small of my back as they guided me out the door, into the night.

Outside, the air was close but there was a shiver as they moved closer to me. The cab was only a minute away, they said, as they brushed the hair back from where it had stuck to my forehead. There was brief eye contact, their confident smile, before fingers traced down my cheek.


I want you to connect with this

I want you to connect with this blog post. I want that with all of them, but this one in particular. Dive in, let go, have fun. Don’t wonder where it’s going or what might happen next. I want you to connect with this story.
