Tag Archives: gag

Sober sex: chasing the fuckrush

I start this fucking weird day (a day which I hope will contain at least some weird fucking) with two cups of coffee. And then a third, to be on the safe side. But you can’t get high on coffee… at least I can’t. I’m meeting this guy at eleven am, and we’re going to fuck in his hotel. At eleven. In the morning. I am stone cold fucking sober, and sober sex is a pretty new kink.


Desperate – Quickie erotica

This gorgeous quickie erotica is written by Cara Thereon, read here by Girl on the Net. 

“Bit hot tonight, aren’t ya?”

She ignored his talking and pressed his back against the door so she could get to work on his clothes. He’d come straight from work, clad in a suit and smelling of sandalwood and coffee. The quickness of his reply to her text said he was just as interested, but all he’d done since she’d pull him into her apartment was talk.


Guest blog: First pony play – feeling a little horse?

Listen: someone needs to license Jenby’s work for a graphic novel about kinky adventures. There is already plenty of material, and it is funny and sexy and brilliant. If you have loads of money, go give it to @JenetalTorture to turn this into a book please. If you haven’t got loads of money, then you are welcome to simply enjoy today’s excellent guest post. After sharing a glorious account of her first e-stim session last week, Jenby is trotting back for a second week running to give you the lowdown on pony play.
