Tag Archives: orgasm control

A butt plug story: “Such a little prick tease”

This stunningly filthy butt plug story is written and read by Molly of Molly’s Daily Kiss, and originally appeared on her website. 

“When was the last time you wore this?”

I glance back over my shoulder. He is holding up the blue glass to the light, turning it one way and the other, studying it. He senses my eyes on him and turns his attention to me, an expectant look his face as he waits for my reply.


An unusual device: steampunk orgasm erotica

This gorgeous steampunk orgasm erotica is written by The Queer Earthling and read by Sherryl Blu. Note that this story contains: bondage, fucking machines, and hints of forced orgasm.

It was a cool autumn day in New London when I decided to call upon my friend, whom most knew as the Professor. Well-traveled, slightly eccentric, and exceedingly attractive, the Professor was somewhat famous for their inventions. They often spent hours in their workshop, a private space that none could enter, emerging rarely until they’d produced another of their magnificent creations, which were both spectacular and quite stimulating. These inventions sold, some said, for obscene amounts at private auction, but you would never know it—the Professor just wore their same tweed suit at all times, except for formal occasions, when they might instead don a tuxedo that had been out of fashion for a good five years or so.


End of No Nut November: the cum shot

Sometimes I get comments on sex stories I tell where people ask ‘where’s the orgasm?’ I don’t always report orgasms like I’m making a tally chart of who came when and how, because for me the cum shot isn’t always the main event. This post though? Oh yeah this post, I promise the cum shot will come.


Guest blog: All desire – edged with his tongue

I have to confess to not being a particularly spiritual person, which is why I’m delighted that guest bloggers can come fill that gap with their own intensely hot, something-more-than-pure-physical sex stories. Today’s guest blogger is Zoe, who has written a gorgeous piece before about talking very dirty, and writes a travel blog over at The Zoeverse (and who you can follow on TwitterInstaFacebook and Patreon too). Today she’s taking us with her to Zagreb, and a man she met there who gave her cause to consider ‘all desire’…


Making a mess – come in your pants

This delicious audio about making you come in your pants is written and read by The Gentle Domme

So, I have kind of a weird turn on. Do you want to hear about it? I know. I know. What does weird mean? Some people get off on sitting on balloons until they pop. Some people like getting stapled for fun. This is much quieter. And much less bloody.
