Tag Archives: photo

It’s not weird to keep your ex’s nudes (on one condition)

If there’s one thing more fun that relationship drama on reddit, it’s having a Hot Take on relationship drama on reddit. I am obsessed with not just /r/relationship_advice but also /r/amitheasshole, not just because it’s fun to laugh at assholes but also because they sometimes throw up interesting ethical dilemmas to chew over. Today: is it weird to keep your ex’s nudes/knickers when you break up? Reddit says ‘yes’, I say ‘no’, but on one important condition…


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Sexy link roundup: Halloween hotness

This week I wanted to share a few of my favourite Halloween-themed things for your perusal. As you probably know, I am a big fan of combining spookiness and sexiness, so I am always delighted when sex bloggers manage to do that spooky/sexy combo well. Headers below are links, click through to see the posts/tweets.


Sinful Sunday: I did it! I fucking did it!