Tag Archives: relationships

Things I have said in order to avoid saying that

I really like this man. I am weirdly obsessed with this man. We just kind of… pulse with the same rhythm?


Got milk? A horny email exchange…

This is a very silly sexy thing I wrote back in 2014, around the time I quit my day job and started sex blogging full-time. Back then, I used to have quite a few horny email exchanges like this: part ‘update my other half on my working day’ and part ‘horn for what I’ll do to him when I get home’. Something reminded me of it a few months ago, and I thought it’d be fun to throw it up as audio. Big thanks to Luke (aka @Beardynoise on Twitter) who very kindly helped me bring it to life when we were in the studio.

Mail to: John

Subject: This evening

Hey, just a quick one – I’m going to be back late tonight. Work drinks. Anything you want me to pick up on the way home?


p.s. Can’t stop thinking about that thing you did yesterday.


How do you avoid ‘catching feelings’?

A friend of mine recently asked, as I was telling her how lovely a particular guy was, how I went about trying to avoid ‘catching feelings’ for the men that I spend time with. There are two answers to this question: the cunty one and the nice one. Both are true.


Guest blog: Snapshots from subspace

I’m so excited to welcome the fabulous Ariel Anderssen to the guest blog slot this week, with a piece so breathtaking that it got me right in the heart as well as the knickers. She’s here to give you a dreamy, horny tour of a kinky scene, via snapshots from subspace: one of those play sessions/fucks that ebbs and flows throughout so many different activities that your memories of it are more like a scrapbook than a chronological record. I love this post so much, and I know lots of you will too. If you want to read more of Ariel’s fabulous work, her new book – Playing to Lose – How a Jehovah’s Witness became a submissive BDSM model – is out now with Unbound (and also available from all good bookshops!). You can also follow her on Twitter and YouTube once you’ve had your breath taken away by this guest blog: it’s such a fucking treat.


The alternative relationship escalator

I don’t want to hop onto the traditional relationship escalator – the societal script that dictates broadly how committed relationships are supposed to play out, gradually escalating from ‘dating’ through ‘exclusivity’ and onward towards cohabitation, marriage, babies and beyond. Although I’m definitely still open to stuff like living together and owning a joint home, I’ve been burned so thoroughly on both of these things that I’m not keen to leap back in unless there’s a really compelling reason/guy. But that’s not to say that escalation in and of itself is bad. Here’s an alternative relationship escalator.
