Tag Archives: safe words

Just a set of fuck-holes

This glorious story about being used as a set of fuck-holes is written and read by the fabulous Sundial, and originally appeared on her website. 

And here I am, a nearly naked shackled X bent at the middle. The lower part of the X is formed by my gorgeous new spreader bar. My ankles are wrapped in the supple leather that are its cuffs, unable to move. My torso is laid face down on the table. My arms are stretched out, tits squashed under me. My wrists are secured in leather shackles which you (rather ingeniously) attached with belts to the legs at the far end of table, forming the upper part of the X. There is no give at all, I cannot move.


Guest blog: Birching, bratting and something stupid

I am so delighted to welcome Dissembling Cub back to the blog. Their last piece, on bottom euphoria, was absolutely spectacular and deeply horny. This new post – about birching, the history of it as well as a stunningly hot account of a birching scene – took my breath away so hard it was almost like I was the one being thrashed. If you enjoy DC’s work you should also check out their fabulous long-form story The Forthenby Inheritance: an erotic comedy of manners set in the Regency period. Meanwhile please, oh my God please, enjoy the fuck out of this stunning guest blog. The image that illustrates this piece, by the way, is the actual hazel birch from the story.

Note: this story contains references to birching as corporal punishment – in a historical (non-consensual) context as well as a modern (and consensually kinky) one. It also refers to a ‘schoolboy scene’ and school role play, but all participants are over the age of 18. 


Guest blog: You choose your people

When I saw the fabulous Emilia Romero pop back up on social media after an absence (follow her on Mastodon here!), I was over the moon, and then even more excited when she pitched me this beautiful, vulnerable guest blog. She’s written here before about kink, camming, and what happens when you discover Doxy, and her writing is always so stunningly heartfelt. Today’s post is an exploration of friendship and trust, via the medium of a good friend she met at a survivors’ support group (so note, there will be brief but non-detailed references to rape and sexual assault). It’s so wonderful to have you back, Emilia.


You’re a good girl for all Daddy’s friends

This kinky, exhibitionist gang bang story in which you are shown off to (and used by) your partner’s friends is written and read by JM Seaborn. Note that throughout the piece ‘Daddy’ is used as an honorific – it is not literal. Everyone in this story is a consenting adult, and it is a work of erotic fiction, not a how-to manual for real life.

You take one last mental snap shot of his face. It’s kind. It’s proud. As your tummy swirls with butterflies, it’s the reassurance you need just as he pulls the blindfold over your eyes.
Now you’re helpless.


Guest blog: Over the knee, hard. Intense punishment spanking

Today we get to welcome a brand new guest blogger to the site – Sundial! Naturally I love welcoming new guest bloggers, but this one’s special because in her initial email she said she’s thinking of starting her own sex blog but isn’t sure, because it’s hard to rate your own writing. So if you like this, please do leave lovely comments. [UPDATE! She did start her own blog and it’s incredible – check out GoingDownWithSundial.com] I imagine you can guess my opinion when you read it, but for what it’s worth here goes: this is one of the most delicious, intense punishment spanking scenes I’ve read in a really long time. The way she luxuriates in the atmosphere and the physical details, really hammering home the power of each crack as well as the strength of the guy who delivers them. It’s extremely hot. I had to go for a lie down. Please give an stingingly warm welcome to Sundial, and dive into this brutal, beautifully-conjured punishment scene…
