Tag Archives: true

Guest blog: What’s so hot about getting cucked?

Regular readers will know that I’m a big fan of cuckolding as a kink. Something about the combination of tortured emotions and intense fucks, the fact that emotional connection can be twisted into something much darker and more taboo… unngh, yeah. So inevitably I was delighted to find a cuck who was not only willing to chat about his kink, but explain in delicious and excruciating detail exactly what’s so hot about getting cucked. Take it away…


I think I’m gonna be sad

The sad thing happens on Monday morning. But there were lots of sad things that laid the path to it, so perhaps it’s not surprising that initially I’m just a bit numb. All day I’m braced for the waves of despair to crash. I sit at my desk. I work. I write. Edit some audio porn, upload a bit to Patreon, and wait and wait and wait for the misery to hit.


Guest blog: How to have sex again after a rape

Today’s guest blog is by an anonymous contributor, and reading it affected me so much that I don’t know how to capture that in an intro. It’s a stunning, raw, powerful story about having sex again after a rape, and I can’t tell you how grateful I am to this brilliant writer for sharing their journey. Note that the first half contains descriptions of rape and assault.


He saw you: gyūdon and good people

When I tell my sister this story, she snort-laughs and tells me ‘we really need to do something about the low expectations you have of men.’ I’m front-loading this because I suspect that’s what the man involved might say himself. He used to be quite baffled by how pleased I was when he did little thoughtful things, as if little thoughtful things aren’t worthy of note. As if kindness is incidental, instead of – you know – everything.


Guest blog: Casual sex helped me learn to accept myself

Those moments of sexual discovery when you finally get to indulge a particular kink or even discover something brand new that you love: they’re really special. They’re one of my favourite things to read about in other people’s sex writing. But perhaps even more powerful than that are those moments when you discover something new about yourself – learn to accept and embrace yourself just as you are. Today’s fabulous guest blogger – Ana – is here to talk about the moment when she realised she’d managed to shake off shame and insecurity and accept herself. I love it so much. Thank you Ana!
