Author Archives: Molly Moore

Good boy: you get the prostate play you asked for
This fabulous piece, in which you get the prostate play you requested, is written and read by Molly Moore and originally appeared on her website.
You are such a good boy for me. I like it when you do as you told, like today, for example. The message I sent you on my way home read: “Be naked on the bed. Use the under-bed restraints and attach the ankle cuffs. I will be back at exactly 1pm. Be ready.”
And you were.

The Inspection (part 2): “Subject is clearly aroused”
This is ‘Inspection’ – part 2 of a fantasy written and read by Molly Moore. Click to listen to Inspection (part 1): He appraises me if you’d like to catch up before you dive into this. Note that this story has elements of consensual non-consent and coercion, as well as fairly graphic debasement, humiliation and clinical medical play.
It’s surprisingly comfortable. The metal of the stirrups is cold on the back on my calves but is the only real discomfort. Physical discomfort that is. Everything else about this is uncomfortable though. As I lean back and he finishes tightening the straps across my legs I realise that the leg supports have a kind of ratchet system so when you slowly guide my legs apart the supports lock into place holding me open. I cover my eyes with my hands. I can feel the heat of embarrassment burning on my face. He is busying himself over to the side. Moving things around, getting trays. I listen but can’t bear to watch or to see him inspecting me like this.

The Inspection (part 1): He appraises me
This is ‘Inspection’ – part one of a 2-part story written and read by Molly Moore. Note that this fantasy has elements of consensual non-consent and coercion, as well as fairly graphic debasement, humiliation and clinical medical play.
“Open your mouth.”
I part my lips and drop my jaw. He has his back to me. I hear the sound of the gloves as he pulls them on. Snap. Snap. He turns to face me. His eyes meet mine and then a frown plays across his face.
“Wider,” he says firmly.

Tickle my fancy – tickling kink erotica
This stunning tickling kink erotica is written and read by Molly Moore, and originally appeared on her website.
He points at the bed.
“Lay down.”
It’s a request, not a command, but I take up his offer. The messages he had sent me earlier today gave me the distinct impression he had plans for me tonight. Not a punishment as such – we don’t play like that – but maybe ‘a lesson to learn’ is a better phrase.

Cuckboy – you want to watch him fuck me?
This fabulous cuckolding erotica is written and read by Molly Moore, and originally appeared on her website. You are her cuckboy, and you get to watch him fuck her.