Tag Archives: butt plugs

More, please: Butt plug starter kits
When I first requested a cute little butt plug starter kit from my site sponsor WhippleTickle (seamless promo, well done me) I had a plan in mind: I knew exactly who I’d use it with, and how. But for reasons I’ll explain later, that won’t happen now. So I basically have two options if I want to fulfill my promise to one of the kind companies that helps keep the lights on here at GOTN HQ. I could write you a straight-up review where I give this product marks out of ten based on basic details or… write two thousand words of horny butt plug porn then chuck a link and discount at the end for you to click when you’re all done wanking. And… you know… have you met me?

Guest blog: When you loaned me out to your friend
This week’s guest post has me running eagerly to you yelling ‘THIS!’ – this is one of my absolute top fantasies, being loaned out by a lover to one of his friends and generally used and treated like a shareable toy. There’s something so delicious about the idea of being handed around like a particularly slutty package, and I think that this incredible guest writer – Vixen – has elevated it even further in the hotness by quoting from the actual voice notes sent between the men while she got thoroughly used. Please find yourself a quiet, private space and… ahem… enjoy.

Just a set of fuck-holes
This glorious story about being used as a set of fuck-holes is written and read by the fabulous Sundial, and originally appeared on her website.
And here I am, a nearly naked shackled X bent at the middle. The lower part of the X is formed by my gorgeous new spreader bar. My ankles are wrapped in the supple leather that are its cuffs, unable to move. My torso is laid face down on the table. My arms are stretched out, tits squashed under me. My wrists are secured in leather shackles which you (rather ingeniously) attached with belts to the legs at the far end of table, forming the upper part of the X. There is no give at all, I cannot move.

The conundrum: How do I want you?
This fabulous piece – “How do I want you?” – is written and recorded by Robyn, of RobynEatsEverything.
Why do you have to make everything so difficult simply by being you? I want to take my time with you, time to worship every inch of that impossibly sexual body of yours and learn exactly what my touch does to every little bit of it. But I also want you, need you, demand you, now. And I mean, now, right now, because you and your body are the most urgent things in my world.

A butt plug story: “Such a little prick tease”
This stunningly filthy butt plug story is written and read by Molly of Molly’s Daily Kiss, and originally appeared on her website.
“When was the last time you wore this?”
I glance back over my shoulder. He is holding up the blue glass to the light, turning it one way and the other, studying it. He senses my eyes on him and turns his attention to me, an expectant look his face as he waits for my reply.