Tag Archives: consent

The Royal Wedding – a public caning erotic fantasy

This gorgeous fantasy about a princess submitting to a public caning is written and read by Pandora Blake. It originally appeared on Dreams of Spanking and is being reproduced here with permission. Note: contains extreme caning, humiliation, 

The road to Zadir was dry and dusty. Sometimes they would stop at one of the walled caravanserais lining the spice road, and Tabina would rinse the sand from her hair and enjoy a day or two of feeling relatively fresh. But no sooner were they on the road again than the wind would start to slap against the canvas coverings, and they would snap and flap until a corner was tugged away, and then the dust and sand would swirl in and they would both be covered all over again.


Guest blog: Letting the internet dominate me

I absolutely love creative kinky ideas, and today’s is one I have seen (and participated in!) over on Mastodon a few times already, so I’m delighted that Persephone dropped by to share her cool kink with you. And if you yourself want to be dominated, and give your life over to strangers to influence and manage, then hey – you might want to try copying her kickass idea, and letting the internet dominate you too…


Please may I see your dick?

This fabulous story about wanting to see your dick is written and read by Robyn of RobynEatsEverything

Please, can I see more of you? I see you there, fully clothed, sitting with one leg propped on another, and I can’t help myself; what’s underneath? My eyes are drawn between your thighs again and again because I want to see, I want to know. It’s practically magnetic. My mind has conjured an image of you, but I want to see if it’s true. Does it look like it does in my dreams? There has been talk of it, deliciously course talk about what it can do to me, will do to me. But now, I need to see.


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Things I would like to never hear again

In the light of the documentary/article/revelations about [INSERT NAME OF LATEST PREDATORY MAN], I have made note of a few phrases that I’d love to never hear again in the context of rape and sexual assault.

CN: rape, sexual assault, futility of reporting sex crimes in the UK


“Enough about me, how about you?”

This guy has a really neat dating trick that makes me feel comfortable and relaxed in his company. It’s one which means we get to progress towards knowing each other way faster than I have with most other men in the years since I broke up with my ex. He does it consistently and brilliantly, and each time he does it I’m taken by pleasant surprise. Wanna know what the trick is? It’s easy. Absurdly, ridiculously easy, but quite rare. He asks me questions. That’s it. He asks me about my life, and when I say something interesting he asks a follow-up. If he realises he’s been speaking for too long, and the conversation is becoming a monologue, he says “enough about me. How about you?” That’s it. That’s the trick.
