Tag Archives: cum

The King’s Cock – a shameless medieval cock-fest
This shameless medieval cock-fest is written and read by Ariadne Awakes. Note: this story is a fantasy that contains kidnapping and implied non-consent.
“Suck.” The countless times she’d been issued this command and it still sent glorious shivers straight to her constantly aching cunt. It was the time of year the court had nicknamed ‘The Grand Suck’, where the King’s most worthy subjects had the privilege of watching their wives, daughters and sometimes mothers kneel before him and show obedience to the sceptre with which he ruled. His cock.

Blow jobs that end with them coming in my mouth
This gorgeous ode to blow jobs is written by Quinn Rhodes of OnQueerStreet, and read here by Matt Johnson.
I love sucking dick – and love it with a passion that might make me feel like a bad feminist or queer if agency is not very feminist and if dicks could not be very queer. Some memorable blow jobs in the twelve months have involved my partner coming in my mouth, a circumstance that is often a delicious assertion of dominance.

Gangbanged (part 2) – Heavenly
This is part two of the story ‘Gangbanged’ – catch up on part 1 here. At the end of that tale, Ariadne’s guy told her the men he’d enlisted for that gang bang had new plans… Content Note: This erotic fiction contains elements of exhibitionism and voyeurism which may not always be ethical to do in real life. Everything that happens to the narrator is consensual.
The last place I expected to be fucked by someone I barely know was in a clothing shop changing room but that’s where the plans my guy tantalised me with after my gangbang started to unfold, almost two months later. Long enough for me to think it was just something he’d said to get me off and forgot all about it.

End of No Nut November: the cum shot
Sometimes I get comments on sex stories I tell where people ask ‘where’s the orgasm?’ I don’t always report orgasms like I’m making a tally chart of who came when and how, because for me the cum shot isn’t always the main event. This post though? Oh yeah this post, I promise the cum shot will come.

End of No Nut November: a month’s worth of spunk
This story could start at a number of different points. It could begin on the first of December, with me marching through a rainstorm along a muddy canal path, determined not to be late to meet the lovely man who’d promised to fill me with spunk. I could start it a bit earlier, in November, with PMs back-and-forth about sexual frustration and oceans of jizz. But really it begins on October 31st, with a message I sent to this dude which said: ‘Are you doing NNN this year?’