‘Premature’ ejaculation: spunk uncontrollably into my cunt

Image by the awesome Stuart F Taylor

I’m a big fan of penetrative sex: it’s not the only way to fuck, but it is my favourite. I understand that some people don’t want their partner to ejaculate too quickly during penetration – they want their ‘turn’ to come before any jizzing occurs. The notion of the ‘two-pump chump‘, while shamey and horrible-sounding, does nevertheless express something that’s important for some people, and I don’t want to imply that their desires here are invalid. Nor do I want to invalidate your desires if you find yourself coming really quickly during sex and desperately wishing you could last a little longer. If you’re shagging me, though? Please don’t ever worry about ‘premature ejaculation’ on my account. Two pumps is fine. Even just one, to be honest. One of the hottest things you can ever do is spunk uncontrollably into my cunt.

Here’s the thing: I know that the speed with which you come doesn’t directly correlate with my own level of hotness or how much you want me. I understand that your stamina in bed is not reflective of how awesome my tits are, how much you love my dirty talk or how nicely I squeezed your cock when it was buried deep inside me.

BUT (and it’s a big ‘but’ here – so large you could project it onto the moon) that’s exactly how it feels.

My rational brain understands that ‘premature ejaculation’ (scare quotes because I want to ask ‘premature for WHO exactly?’) can happen for a variety of reasons. You might come quickly because you’ve got yourself worked up earlier in the day, watching loads of porn that has nothing to do with me. Or because you were already close to the edge thanks to a fun pre-fuck blow job. It might be because you’ve just completed No Nut November and you’re essentially sitting atop a jizz-based Mount Vesuvius. Maybe, as we’re fucking, you’re thinking of someone other than me – someone whose very presence in your consciousness causes instant involuntary spaffing. My rational brain knows that speed of ejaculation is rarely directly correlated with my own hotness, but my lizard brain has a very different take.

My lizard brain tells me:

YoU’Re So HOt He CaNnoT coNtAIn HiS JiZz. YoU mUSt Be tHe GodDEss Of FuCk.

So yeah, please: spunk uncontrollably into my cunt.

SpUnK mEaNs I’m So GoOd

I get that this is problematic. The other side of this coin is that if you take ages to come (or can’t come at all) then my lizard brain says YoU ArE uGlY aNd TeRrIbLe aT sEx. When it happens that way round, though, that’s my problem to solve: I have to remind myself that there are loads of reasons someone may not be able to reach climax, and either up my game or chill the fuck out to prevent myself from curling up and weeping in a corner.

When you come ‘too’ quickly though? I don’t need to suppress that part of my lizard brain, I can let her run rampant. And as she skitters round my head on a self-congratulatory spree crowing “sO MuCh JIzz! VeRy QuICklY! SEx QuEen GoAls!” I’m also etching the memory of your hair-trigger cum-squirt into stone tablets that I can store in my wank bank. The sex might be over more quickly than the post-ad idents on an episode of Taskmaster, but I’ll be masturbating over the memory of your uncontrollable spunking long after they’ve aired an actual Champion of Champion of Champions episode in roughly twelve seasons’ time.

If you’d like to imagine how hot it is when you insta-spaff in my cunt, just consider how you’d feel if I begged you for the dick, and as you slid it in on the very first stroke, I immediately let out a guttural, satisfied moan then came tight and hard around your cock. It’s hot, right? So fucking hot.

As I said at the start, I know some people get upset by rapid coming, and many are actively mean about it (which is, as mentioned, not cool), but alongside these people there are others like me who are actively turned on by an orgasm that implies you literally could not contain yourself. In fact, I know there’s at least one other like me, because my good pal Jess and I frequently exchange hot stories about lovers who have done exactly this. Often in a kind of bragging tone, because we know each other well enough to usher our lizard brains into the conversation:

Me: How was the sex?

Her: He CaMe So qUicKly.

Me: UnnGh hOw QuIcKly.

Her: LiKE lEss tHaN 3 MinuTes It WaS sO hOt. 

Spunk uncontrollably into my cunt

Jump cut to a random evening recently. After a chilled, giggly, happy picnic, with a hot guy, and some disgracefully sexy park makeouts during which he pulled me onto his lap with his big strong arms and snogged the fuck out of me (unngh), we went back to my place so I could usher him to my sofa and get to work on sucking his fabulous cock.

I was kneeling between his legs and having a great time in my happiest of comfort zones: face firmly buried in his crotch. Lots of spit, occasional deep throat, hands and fingers brought into play on an on/off basis to keep him on the edge, and all the other kickass stuff that it’s fun to do to a dick. I’d have been more than happy doing this for the rest of the evening, and certainly happy enough for him to hair-trigger spaff down my throat at any point, because few things in life say ‘great BJ’ better than a warm shot of spunk.

I aM sO GoOd At SuCkInG dIcK. 

As I built him to a peak, then back down again, then up again, then back down, I was enjoying the process of toying with his horn, but at the same time I was extremely keen for the spunk. In that moment I could only see two ways this might end: with him coming in my mouth (LOVELY), or with me getting too horny to finish him off like that, and instead asking him “please will you put it in me?”

Instead, though, he took matters into his own hands. Told me something along the lines of ‘I want to fuck you now’ and grabbed a condom. As I was getting up off my knees ready to transition to getting fucked, he practically bodyslammed me onto the sofa (YES), shoved my legs apart (PLEASE), plunged inside (GOD) and railed me so swiftly and brutally that I barely had time to gasp the word ‘thank you’ before his cock started twitching with cum (UNNGHFFGHFFFUCK).

It wasn’t quite two pumps, but it was certainly less than two minutes, and it definitely falls into the ‘spunk uncontrollably into my cunt’ category of fucking. i.e. THE BEST ONE.

Friends, I cannot even begin to tell you how grateful I was. Absurdly, sublimely, radiantly grateful. Even more so when he told me afterwards, in a semi-apologetic manner, that “I just really wanted to finish inside you.”

So far beyond hot it’s borderline dangerous: someone please call the fire brigade, I have burst into fucking flames.

Spunk uncontrollably into premature ejaculation shame

As I said at the start, I know some people are quite shamey about this kind of thing. And I fully understand why it may not be ideal for you, especially if you’re someone who comes really quickly during all kinds of sex, or someone whose partner does this so often that you don’t get as much time as you’d like doing the fun in-and-out stuff. But for me personally, someone spunking uncontrollably into my cunt is almost always a powerfully sexy thing.

The only exception I can think of was when I a partner developed a temporary health problem that caused a bit of ‘premature ejaculation’. In the genuine sense of the phrase, I think: he came before he even really felt like he was climaxing. We had a few fucks where I was revelling in the joy of it (lizard brain says SeX gOdDeSs even when that isn’t the case, after all) but he soon became troubled by the fact that his body wasn’t doing what he expected. Those times sucked, because they were harshing his buzz, and eventually my lizard brain shut up and I realised rational brain should get me to join him in the Vale of Sadness about it, and commiserate/be understanding until such time as he’d spoken to a doctor and got his health back into a better place. Which he did. Don’t worry. Happy ending: the doctor helped him get his mojo back.

But all the other times someone has spunked uncontrollably into my cunt? Oh my GOD yes.

Yes times a million. Yes beyond measure. Yes to the ends of the Earth and then back again, wading up to my neck in oceans of hair-trigger jizz.

It’s not just spunking uncontrollably into my cunt either. There are plenty of other scenarios in which so-called ‘premature ejaculation’ flips that lizard-brain switch and makes me powerfully horny too. Including (but not limited to):

  • Coming in my ass within a few strokes, or even better: coming in my ass when you’ve only just got the tip in.
  • Blowing in my mouth when I’m just getting started.
  • Saying ‘oh fuck fuck fuck sorry’ when I’m giving you a hand job then shooting ropes all up my wrist and arm (has never happened to me, but it happened to a friend of mine when I was younger so I have shamelessly stolen the fantasy).
  • Rubbing yourself against me while we’re making out and then coming in your fucking pants. UNNGH.

And perhaps it’s counterproductive of me to highlight how absurdly sexy all these things are, because inevitably, like most things on my Kink List, these acts are even hotter when accompanied by a shamefaced apology. Like ‘sorry I came so quickly, I just couldn’t help myself.’

CoUlDn’T hElP HiMsElF, i aM FuCkLuST pErSoNiFiED.

How to prevent premature ejaculation (if you must)

There is very little point to this blog post other than to provide a horny counternarrative to the idea that ‘premature ejaculation’ is anything to be ashamed of, or indeed that it’s always something you should regret. If coming too quickly bothers you, and you’d like to try and increase your pre-spaff fucktime, then by all means have a go at some of the following:

  • wearing thicker condoms (usually marked ‘extra safe’). You can also get condoms with desensitising lube although I’ve never tried these so this isn’t a personal recommendation.
  • masturbating with penetrative sex toys to get you used to sensations that more closely resemble penetrative sex, and might help you get used to the feeling and thus last longer. The Fleshlight ‘Stamina Training Unit’ is apparently designed for this. I can attest to it being great and making people spaff.
  • masturbating with ‘training’ toys specifically designed to help you learn to last longer. The MyHixel is one of these, and it comes with an app to help you test yourself and measure progress.
  • pausing regularly during sex when you feel like you’re getting to the edge of climax.
  • giving yourself a mental challenge designed to put you off your sex game. For instance, remembering as many digits as possible of Pi, or trying to imagine what Kier Starmer would be like as Labour leader if he had any actual principles.
  • enlisting your partner to surprise you out of coming by squirting you in the face with a water pistol.

But honestly, for me, I am more than happy to embrace any sprint-finish spunking. As long as I get the occasional opportunity to come nice and hard around a cock (a treat that I wholeheartedly enjoy, but do not 100% require in order to declare sex ‘amazing’), I’m happy.

And in the meantime? You guessed it: please spunk uncontrollably into my cunt.



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  • When I was younger, I’d spent ages flirting with another guy. The opportunity came to suck him off, and as I reached into his fly, he came in his pants.

    He was so embarrassed.

    Me? I was delighted. “I am THAT hot,” I thought. And still do.

    • Girl on the net says:

      Oh my GOD! The absolute DREAM! I hope he still thinks of it to this day and wanks over how utterly spaffworthy you are!

  • SpaceCaptainSmith says:

    God bless you, GOTN. :) I don’t know how many times now you’ve done blog posts along the lines of ‘you know this thing you think is shameful and unsexy? Well, it can be really sexy, and here’s why!’

    Of course, coming quickly is still not so good for the guy who wants a more longer-lasting fucking experience. But it’s nice to realise that some women are actually turned on by it. :)

  • John Mac says:

    The head of my Cock is super sensitive . I always cum early . So, i researched the issue and discovered that about one-third of all Males do the same thing . Then I asked a friend , “ what do You do “ and he said that you should jack-off an hour or two before fucking . Then , your erection will last longer . That helped until I saw a male adult actor fuck his partner for at least ten minutes . The video only showed his cock head plus an inch of shaft entering her pussy . Just enough to part her pussy lips . The male actor must have desensitized his cock ‘ head ‘ only .
    I would like to experiment with a real Women but I can’t find one that is interested .

  • Spikesandfluff says:

    Hhhnnnng I had this exact experience this weekend. So hot, I just think it’s a wild level of compliment because you don’t have to second guess it at *all*. Their body tells you *exactly* how hot they think you are.

  • TwoStrokeGuy says:

    First of all – you are a goddess of fuck and a sex queen. As a former(?) member of the two stroke guy’s club, I really appreciate your words for our kind. I think I understand how your “lizard brain” enjoys the fast ejaculation. On the other hand I’m not quite sure what to do with the “etching the memory to the wank bank” part – should the guy feel being inadequate (because it’s not his cock that gives pleasure to you, but your very own fingers); or should the guy feel pride (because even his memory can make you come)? Let’s go with the second :-)

    I’d like to comment on your (and other commenters) tips too:
    – desensitising condom: never receive a blow job while wearing this! Once I had a partner who only sucked my dick with the condom on. On one occasion I had this kind of condom on and her mouth went numb. When I was really struggling with premature ejaculation, I didn’t really felt the effect, a tight pussy was a tight pussy even in this condom.
    – giving yourself a mental challenge: I don’t think it’s a good idea. We’re having sex to enjoy it, not to think about something else.
    – jack-off an hour or two before fucking: it kind of worked for me, but not always feasible, especially in a relationship and with family life. It also has the side effect that getting an erection might be harder if the “real” fucking is too soon after the jack-off. On the other hand if there’s time for sex, it’s not a problem that the first fuck is over in 10 seconds – the second, third, fourth and fifth will be longer.
    – pausing regularly: this was the trick that worked for me. And (of course) an understanding, loving, helpful partner. Slow, steady strokes with the occasional stops. I also noticed that in missionary I can last lot longer than in doggy, so finding the right position can also help.

  • Paul says:

    This story made me cum bullets. Would love to hear it read aloud so badly.

  • Gemma says:

    I would like to hear this as audio porn too.

  • Girl on the net says:

    Oh wow, I’m so delighted by the reaction this one has had! I didn’t think it’d be an especially audio-able one because it’s not a story so much as just a horny ramble, but I’ll add it to the list for possible audio in future.

    Also, SCS, THANK YOU! “‘you know this thing you think is shameful and unsexy? Well, it can be really sexy, and here’s why!’” – those are, hands-down, my favourite kinds of posts to write.

    Thank you TwoStrokeGuy as well! Really appreciate your input and tips! And eek yeah I can see that a numbing condom could be horrible when you’re giving someone a BJ and it makes your mouth go numb too. To be honest the reason I’ve never tried them myself is that I have a general dislike of the idea of ‘numbing’ for any kind of sex (in some cases, as with anal, numbing lube can be really dangerous, and in others it just feels like… what’s the point. For ‘premature’ ejaculation I’d be sad about it mostly for the reasons laid out in this post). Thank you for chipping in with what worked for you!

  • wifeslayer says:

    Had this happen when I joined in with my flatmate and his mrs after a few drinks and one thing led to another, was being teased watching them fuck until I was allowed join in

  • Nikita says:

    Hi Girlonthenet, I thought this was one of the hottest posts I’ve ever read, so much so that I converted into a PDF so that I could play it back as audio. But it’s just not the same as if YOU were doing it. You have the perfect voice for audio porn. Some of the PDF voices sound a bit like professor Stephen Hawking and that makes it very difficult to enjoy lmfao. Also, don’t worry about seeing it as a rant, as it’s hot af and that is why I also think it would be the perfect piece of audio porn. All the constant repeats of the word
    ‘spunking’ over and over just really do it for me.

  • PreciousBodilyFluids says:

    And for those who orgasm quickly there’s plenty of ways to compensate. Spend more time giving oral and/or fingering, train yourself to have multiple orgasms.

    From a woman’s perspective is it extra pleasureable to continue being fucked after you’ve been filled with spunk?

    In my experience going at it as long as possible before my first orgasm is most enjoyable. But after I’ve shot my first big load, making the second or sometimes third one happen is lots of fun. Instead of trying to hold back it takes a lot of effort to orgasm again. The orgasm itself isn’t as intense, not much spunk comes out, but the buildup is amazing

  • Tom says:

    I wouldn’t underestimate how hot the teasing can be with the right partner, my friend and I after not seeing each other for a couple of months no plans to fuck till we get to the club but just enjoying and just a little bit of grind started to feel a orgasm coming on from nowhere, usually not a problem a little pause and I’ll be fine nothing unusal, discrete distraction to stop her for a moment buy biting her lip, but she’s figured me out now, I get “are you getting a bit excited Tom?” “a little, just need you to slow down a moment”, smirks, “you’re not going to are you” ‘m holding of for dear life, she shouts at her friend to tell her what’s happening and then grinds and tells me to spunk. spent the rest of the evening telling everyone about it reputation is in the bin, tried to salvage it after another nice lady challenged me, failed after 30 seconds, luckily it didn’t end there :P

  • No thanks says:

    From my experience; guys cum after a combination of hotness and an internal timer or clock. If they regularly cum (like when doing their own quickie) after 3-5 minutes, they’ll be quick cummers almost regardless of hotness.

    Try games like cock-heroes or online teases that postpone or increase the “play time” to 20-30-40-60+ minutes as the only way to cum for a while and se what happens. The uncontrollable cums for sure will be far fewer, the clock is set for slow rather than quick.

    Not to say hotness can’t beat the clock every now and then.

  • VX Guy says:

    Feeling aroused, being buried/ living in the philosophy of understanding (the act, how your attraction is and the girl) during sex makes you cum so good. That look and thoughts you having combined with the act leads to dense feelings and accumulation towards a connected, well endowed orgasm. And there shouldn’t be a shame in that. Cumming too early shouldn’t be a problem ’cause you should try being able to ‘keep continue’ and come multiple times instead. Refractory period sucks and nobody blames girls for coming early;
    so why would you as a guy be ashamed and leave? It won’t be as smooth or natural, easy process for you as it is for females but as a male, you should explore, learn your sexuality to also make yourself able to keep going.
    + There’s always ways for sex to keep happening other than rock-hard penetration.
    The ‘problem’ really sucks and we try to solve (or at least mitigate) that.

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