Tag Archives: erotica

Public transport sex fantasies: how many can I get in one story?
Maybe it’s the rhythm of the train as it clunk-clunks over the tracks, or the hum of the bus engine beneath your seat, but public transport’s fucking sexy, isn’t it? I’ve probably spent almost as much time talking about public transport sex fantasies than any other category. So as this week’s Wicked Wednesday prompt is ‘passenger’, asking us to think about erotic scenarios on buses, trains and planes, I thought I’d go the whole hog and write a sex story about every stage of the journey.

Guest blog: threesome erotica – a special guest
I’m welcoming back a guest blogger this week! Kim Taylor, of Mommy’s Playground, has written some gorgeous erotica here before about secretly getting it on in the bedroom at a house party, and now she’s back to share some hot threesome erotica. You can read more of her work at the link above, or follow on instagram @ktaylormp082. As someone who struggles a bit with compersion, but nevertheless has a lot of filthy fantasies about threesomes, I appreciate the opportunity for a bit of erotic escapism… and possibly the encouragement to go do it myself sometime soon too.

Guest blog: How I fell in love with GoneWildAudio
This week’s guest blogger is here to talk about one of my current favourite things: audio porn! Ever since I started recording posts as audio, I’ve also been listening to more amazing audio work from other people, so when rmp792 got in touch with a view to writing about the GoneWildAudio community, I was really excited. Please welcome him and use the links at the bottom to explore more of his sexy work!

Threesome with a fucking machine
A while ago, the lovely folks over at Doxy commissioned me to write a couple of erotic stories for their site. Recently, because they are lovely and kind and they want you all to have the BEST wanks, they gave me the go-ahead to upload it in full here – as text and audio porn. It’s all about a woman who goes hunting for a guy to help her realise her dream: having a threesome with a fucking machine.

I am so bored of you fucking me
There’s a particular porn scene my partner and I watch over and over and over. I’m not going to tell you exactly what it is, because for some reason a little piece of my brain blushes at the thought of you watching it and judging me. But it contains a dynamic that I find incredibly hot: the bored fuck. Ideally with an incredibly eager dude (or a line-up of them) and a really bored-looking woman. Her expression says ‘I’m bored of you fucking me’ or perhaps even ‘get on with it’, and his desperation paired with her ambivalence makes me a soaking-wet-and-shaking kind of horny.