Tag Archives: loneliness

Guest blog: When all the ‘what if’s come at once

I’m a firm believer in the power of writing to help you work through your feelings. I often find myself halfway through a post, suddenly realising that the emotions I have about this or that story have evolved or become clearer as I’m writing: we are our stories, and trying to capture the narratives that run through our lives is such a powerful (and valuable) thing to do. Today’s guest blogger is writing to capture a bundle of complex emotions about FOMO, relationships, and life in his 40s that are tricky to label and digest. Especially because, when you’re polyamorous, many of the scripts we have around different life stages don’t quite seem to fit. Thank you so much Northern Boy, and I hope your thoughts can help other people who might be struggling with similar things…


Nobody comes looking for me: solo masturbation

This poignant solo masturbation erotica is by Tabitha Rayne. Read here by the author herself, it originally appeared on her website. 

It’s been days, possibly a week or even two since I left this flat. Probably longer since I updated any sort of social media. My phone hasn’t rang and my door hasn’t been knocked. There’s no concerned notifications from my online friends.


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Guest blog: Only the lonely

Recently we had a discussion in a comment thread about loneliness. It’s not something I’ve written about much here before, so Anya (@letthelovein on Twitter) kindly volunteered to write a guest blog – on loneliness in a world of desire…
