Tag Archives: oral

All the times I definitely did not fuck in that hot tub

“Greetings friends! Welcome to this lovely rented lodge! Isn’t it gorgeous? And we got it for such a bargain! Just call me the Queen Of Booking Getaways That Just Happen To Have Hot Tubs. It’s so lovely to hang out with like-minded people, who all know there’s far more fun to be had in a house with people you love than a hotel where you could bump into a stranger at any minute. Before we kick off this mini-break by opening the prosecco, there’s just one thing I’d like to make clear: we might have arrived two hours before you did, but we definitely didn’t fuck in that hot tub.”


Guest blog: Making out with her cunt

Today’s guest blog, by Oliveira, is a super-hot real-life sex story that contains something I don’t write much about here: cunnilingus. And I love it when guest bloggers write the stories that I can’t quite get my own words around. If you enjoy cunt-eating erotica and lazy Sunday afternoon sex, you’ll definitely have fun with this one…


Guest blog: I’ve avoided guys eating me out… until now

This week’s guest blogger is Cassie C, and she’s here to talk about oral sex. Specifically, she’s here to tell you a story that’s equal parts relatable and saucy. If you’ve ever thought to yourself ‘I wish there was more porn about people eating me out’ then this one’s for you…


Inspiring fucks: the virtuous circle of porn

The other night, I texted: “On way home. ETA 10 minutes. If you’re watching porn when I get through the door I will finish you off with my mouth.”


Sharing sexy fantasies: the edit method

How do you go about sharing sexy fantasies? It’s one of the questions people seem to struggle with a lot – as measured both by my inbox and also the sheer volume of advice guides written about broaching the subject with your partner. But one of the things I find fascinating/annoying about the way it’s presented is that it’s often seen as an ‘all or nothing’ thing: that you tell your partner you want to be dominated (with a strap-on and a vigorous pegging, for example), and they either tell you ‘yes’ or ‘no.’ That’s it: a green light or a red one, and then the discussion has ended. I don’t think that’s how it always works.
