Tag Archives: valentines day

Roses are over: this Valentine’s, we’re upgrading to chocolate dick
Sometimes the stars align into a constellation that literally spells out “I HAVE THE BEST JOB IN THE WORLD, GODDAMMIT”, and so it was on the 20th January this year, when I got a little message from a shipping company telling me my package from Intimate Chocolate had arrived. My package of a gigantic, delicious, beautiful hazlenut-and-chocolate dick. I am supposed to ‘review’ this for the website, but you lot know me by now and so what I’m actually going to do is wax lyrical about how fucking awesome this whole situation is, then tell you how I got overexcited and suggested to a mate who was visiting that we should competitively deep-throat it.

Oh shit! It’s nearly Valentine’s Day!
Sorry to break it to you, gang, but it’s nearly Valentine’s Day. To those of you smug wankers with ideas and gifts and confidence that your love will enjoy what you’ve already planned, I say ‘piss off.’ This post is for people who only just realised that it’s nearly Valentine’s Day and feeling worried because they might be expected to do/buy something but have absolutely no ideas at all.
Love stories about my best friends
This is a love story, but it’s not the one you think. She’s been longing for him for what feels like forever, and they are finally going to meet. That aching, yearning, why-the-fuck-can’t-we-fuck feeling has charged all of the conversations I’ve had with her for the last six months.

Valentine’s Day sex ideas: a horny pic n mix
You can keep your restaurants and posh jewellery, in my house we’re playing Valentine’s Day sex games. While I’d love to be super aloof and pretend it’s because traditional romance is beneath me, the fact is that my partner and I just really like playing sex games. If offered a romantic candlelit meal, we’d far rather use those candles for something more depraved. Depending on whether it arrives in time, I’m hoping my own Valentine’s Day will be spent getting acquainted with a brand new fuck machine. If it doesn’t arrive in time, no harm done. We’ll probably be doing one of the following things instead…
Valentine’s Day sex toys, and other cool gifts to buy
Hooray for Valentine’s Day sex! The sex that you might enjoy, but equally might be worrying you’re doing just because it seems like the right thing to do on February 14th! Or boo for Valentine’s Day sex! The sex that you really want to have, with someone nice, who doesn’t seem to have materialised yet because the world is annoying like that. Whether you’re planning a blowout kinky sex fest, or aiming to ignore the day completely, I have some sex toys and other treats to recommend you, because I am a sex blogger and it’s my literal job.