Tag Archives: rimjobs

Guest blog: Is there such a thing as a rimming sex toy?
This week’s guest blogger is the fabulous Valery North – a fellow sex blogger who has written beautifully here before about the way haes body’s sexual response has changed over time, as well as shared a gorgeous extract from haes book – ‘Not to choose‘. Valery got in touch recently to let me know hae’d tried out a cool and unique toy from one of my site sponsors. Having dreamt of discovering a rimming sex toy for a while, how would hae get on with this kickass little licking simulator? Read on to find out…

Guest blog: I love giving rimjobs
This week’s guest blog, by Luke, needs almost no introduction, save a brief note to let you know it is about rimjobs, and say that when I read it I had to go and lie in my bunk for a very long time indeed. It is hot as fuck, and helped me understand the sexiness of eating ass in a way I had not fully comprehended until now. Enjoy.