Tag Archives: tits

Cold air, hard nipples: boss-level tit play
It’s chilly, and we’re outside. Leaning in to each other for warmth, but delighting in the cold as well. My shirt is unbuttoned slightly and pulled down below my shoulder to expose one of my tits. He licks the tip of his finger slowly and runs it around the nipple. Wet spit meets cold air and hard nipples, and I shiver with longing.

Guest blog: Tit wanks helped me to love my big boobs
Strap in for this week’s amazing guest blog: Katy is here to talk about tit wanks. I want to give you a proper introduction to Katy, because she’s the awesome creator of the Sexpots Podcast, a weekly chat about all things filthy and fun in which 3 of us (Katy, Bitsy and I) pull random sex topics out of a pot and chat about our experiences with them, and play games that involve us competing to guess obscure kinks. So far we’ve covered such topics as spanking, squirting, anal and a whole host of ‘first times’. During a recent recording, one of the topics that came out of the pot was ‘tit wanks’, and Bitsy and I sat open-mouthed in awe as Katy taught us how to deliver tit wanks with joy and panache. She’s here to share with you the secret, and how tit wanks taught her to love her tits…

Suck my tits while I ride you: an ode to watching
One of the benefits of being tall is that men can suck my tits while I’m riding them. Watching a guy suck my tits is as beautiful as the phrase ‘suck my tits’ is clumsy. There should be a better way of saying this, but I can’t think of one, so instead I ask with gestures.

Venus Berlin: tits, dickshots and milkshake
On Friday I went to Venus Berlin. On Sunday I bought two large McDonalds milkshakes, left them in the kitchen until they’d thoroughly melted, then clambered into the bath and poured them all over my tits. These two things are not unconnected.

Guest blog: The love story between me and my breasts
I’m so excited about this week’s guest blog, because it’s a gorgeous exploration of the relationship between the guest blogger and her body, specifically her breasts. Please welcome Jannette Davies, from Scarlet Ladies Talk.
Jannette co-founded Scarlet Ladies in February 2015, and together with her co-founder Sarah Beilfuss, she runs events where women can openly discuss and explore their sexuality and bodies – and dispel a few myths along the way. Their events have got lots of people talking, and they sound like a lot of fun. Their next event is Body Bliss – a day-long retreat in London aimed at helping you explore – and hopefully fall in love with – your body.
Her story is personal, funny and relatable: all the things I like best.