VR porn sex games: 3 hot things to do in virtual reality

Image by the fantastic Stuart F Taylor

My boyfriend bought the VR pack for his Playstation. Thanks, in part, to this fantastic guest blog about VR porn that went up just before Christmas. Naturally, while he was immersed in testing out all the cool VR video games, I busied myself making a list of some of the VR porn sex games we could play.

VR porn sex games

Before I begin, a quick word about VR porn sex games: all the following are games you can play with a partner, but naturally if you’re playing these with a partner one of you is going to be wearing a fuckoff massive headset and headphones, so they’ll have little awareness of what you’re doing or the environment around them. That’s partly what makes it hot, but that’s also what makes it a little dangerous. Make sure whoever is in the headset is sitting/lying comfortably before you begin, that they know (and consent to) what’s about to happen, and preferably that they aren’t going to flail around too much in ecstasy when you start, knocking cans of Coke off the coffee table and trashing your favourite rug.

Ready? OK, here are three VR porn sex games that I’ve played over the last week.

Wank into the darkness

This game begins with him donning the helmet and picking a porn scene he loves. I disappear into the kitchen, or to potter elsewhere in the house, with the aim of coming back into the room just before he finishes up his wank. I have a kink, you see, for watching guys wank when they don’t necessarily know I’m there – there’s something raw and primal about watching them beat themselves vigorously to orgasm in the manner they’d do when they’re alone. They get less self-conscious, and put a little bit more aggression into it. Lovely.

Anyway, in order to do this consensually, we decide that’s the plan before he begins. Then I disappear, he gets himself comfortable, and starts beating away. I slip back into the room shortly afterwards, tiptoeing softly. Thanks to the VR helmet, and noise-cancelling headphones, he doesn’t know the exact moment when I return to the room. Then I strip off my top and bra, kneel on the floor in front of him, and when he’s close to coming he points his dick straight forward at me, rubbing himself as fast as he can until he spaffs buckets in a huge arc directly in front of him. It’s my job to catch as much of the jizz as possible all over my tits and face.

We played this VR porn sex game last night, and it was awesome. The future is an incredible place.


The most obvious VR porn sex to have, sure. But as the missionary position demonstrates, just because something’s obvious doesn’t mean it can’t be hot. For this one, you pick a porn scene that’s easy to copy – ideally you need one with the same number of people as you have in the room – and designate one person to be the passive receiver and the other to be the copycat. I find this easiest with simple POV blow job/fuck porn with just two people, and VR porn is the perfect place to find this: the camera rigs required to shoot in virtual reality are HEAVY and BIG (as you can see in this behind-the-scenes shoot with Lightsouthern – NSFW), so if someone’s wearing it they need to stay pretty still. Much like the person who’s watching the VR porn while you fuck them. Handy.

So he puts on the helmet, adjusts himself so he’s sitting sideways on to the big screen, so I can watch the movements of the people on camera, then I try my best to match the movements on-screen. It feels almost like you’re having literal sex with someone else, except you’re not, and the fact that your movements are always going to be slightly different to the movements on screen, it puts you in a weird dreamlike state where everything seems blissfully trippy. It’s a little like another weird sex tip I shared with you recently – the rubber hand illusion of fucking – but instead of a team sport it’s a one v one, and it feels much more real while you’re doing it.

Naturally you can do this the other way round as well, but even on the subscription sites that have a lot of content, it’s harder to find videos from the women’s POV of getting eaten out/banged in virtual reality, so I haven’t really nailed this yet. What I have nailed, though is…

Body swap

Everyone’s genitals are different, and part of the weird/cool/trippy/fascinating hotness of VR porn is that the person in the frame looks different to you – it’s like you’re having a short holiday in a different body. So why not pick a body that’s really different from your own? Playing the ‘copycat’ game above, but where I am in the position of someone who has a huge cock, means I can command my partner to try and suck my clit in a similar way to the blow jobs that’s being given in the video. Does it work exactly? Fuck no – my clit is tiny compared to the cock in this video. But that doesn’t mean this isn’t really fun.

You can play this game any way round, by the way – no matter what your genital configuration, you can don a helmet and ask your glamorous assistant to stimulate you in as close a manner as possible to whoever’s getting stimulated in the video. Anal sex or vaginal penetration can be achieved by pegging/dildos if you don’t have a cock of your own, clits can replace dicks in blow jobs, and everyone can be rubbed in time to the action on screen. It takes a bit of practice to get the actions right, but it’s worth it to achieve the VR porn sex of your dreams.

That’s just my pervy/horny/curious take on it though: there’s a much cooler and more interesting guest blog on this which was published last year. Kelvin Sparks discussed watching VR porn as a trans guy who experiences gender dysphoria, so check out his post if you’d like to read about this in more detail.

Bonus: Synaesthesia oral

This one’s just a bonus because it doesn’t require VR porn, just VR of any kind plus one of those beautiful synaesthesia games like Rez Infinite or Tetris Effect. Pull down someone’s trousers, slap the headset on them, then let them get started on the game as you get started on their genitals. Lick, suck, wank, spit, and do all the stuff you usually do to deliver intense blow jobs or cunt-quivering cunnilingus, but do it along with the music.

I don’t just mean ‘wank them off to the rhythm, like you’re playing a game of Cock Hero‘, I mean really feel and move to the music. As the music swells and builds, deliver more suction or pressure to the head of their dick. As the music speeds up, sure bob your head more, but maybe also introduce a hand to their chest, gently pinching one of their nipples tighter and tighter as the pace of the song builds, until they’re squirming and desperate for the break. When the break comes, stop everything – their dick nestled tightly at the back of your throat, twitching a little with their desperation to come… then start again, achingly slowly, as the gentle intro to the next level kicks in.

These games are designed to give you tingly sensations in your brain, as the actions you take (especially with Rez) synch naturally to the music in the background. Adding the physical synchronisation of movements gives an extra layer of ‘Holy fuck’ to what’s already a pretty excellent experience.

Watch this, imagine getting head, then go forth and conquer the world of VR porn sex…


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