Tag Archives: camming

Spunky spree: Webcam sex with wordplay
This fabulous webcam sex story is written and performed as audio porn by Carolyna Luna, and originally appeared on her website.
I sighed and read the sentence a fourth time, slowly, so I wouldn’t trip up: “Katerina’s coquettish curtsy was her very own poetic punctuation to the resplendent recollection of having conquered such a cacophony of cocks in one evening.”

Guest blog: My OnlyFans is more than just a job
Today’s guest blogger is Rose of On Her Back – check out her blog, Twitter and OnlyFans! That last one is the reason she’s here today – to tell you all about why she started up an OnlyFans, and how it swiftly became more than just ‘a job’ during Covid, but a much-needed confidence boost and welcome addition to her sex life.
CN: discussion of weight loss

Guest blog: Camming with him makes me feel seen
Regular readers will know how much I enjoy stories of first times: there is so much in life to discover, and even if I’m not able (or inclined) to discover a particular kink for myself, there’s a huge amount of vicarious joy to experience in hearing about someone else’s first time ‘thing.’ This week, I’m welcoming back Emilia Romero, whose words have already shattered my heart then knit it back together again in this beautiful piece about finding BDSM, as well as delivering exuberant joy in this post about discovering Doxy. Today she’s back to talk about a new adventure with her friend N, and how camming with him helped her feel seen…

Guest blog: Diary of a camgirl
This week’s guest blogger is here to give you a peek behind the scenes into the life of a camgirl. I have loved camming (and particularly the details about how to market your own cam work) ever since I went to a talk by Chaturbate at Woodhull Sexual Freedom Summit in the US, and later thanks to the exceptional movie Cam (and later the book Camgirl) by Isa Mazzei. Today, Catey is here to share her take on what it’s like to work as a camgirl: the pros, the cons, and most importantly the people.

Guest blog: Wand vibrators, camming & the best money we ever spent
Today’s guest blogger is the fabulous Amber Parks, a camgirl and huge fan of wand vibrators, as you’ll be able to tell from her awesome post below! It is always a pleasure to meet a fellow kindred spirit – the day I fell in love with my own Doxy wand is not one I’ll ever forget, but Amber’s gone one better by using it in her camming work and making it pay for itself many times over. When you’ve read her awesome guest post, check out Amber’s blog Cruel Princess or follow her on Twitter @acruelprincess to see more of her work!