Tag Archives: doxy

What are the best sex toys?

People often ask me for sex toy recommendations, so in this wildly boring but nevertheless helpful post, I’m going to tell you the top sex toys I’d save if my house was burning down and I only had time to grab a few. The main reason for me writing this post is because I am short of both content and cash, but I appreciate that sex toy recommendations are far less interesting than stories about having dildo orgies or watching my other half do a sexy genderfuck striptease. So here’s my offer: I will tell you about the best sex toys I own (i.e. the ones I use most often), you go buy them if you want, I’ll get some money, and then on Sunday I’ll publish some Halloween erotica story that isn’t trying to sell you anything at all. Deal? OK.


Guest blog: My first time in a sex shop

I’m excited to welcome today’s guest blogger – the fabulous Quinn Rhodes from On Queer Street (who you can support on Patreon here!). Ze’s a fantastic sex blogger, who has written a beautiful guest blog for me here before on discovering hir sexuality. Today ze’s back with a new discovery or three. Do you remember your first time in a sex shop? Quinn’s here to tell you about hirs, and how visiting a Glasgow sex shop led hir to discover hir love for a few new things…


Guest blog: I’ve squirted once but how can I squirt again?

Please welcome this week’s guest blogger @PinkGilly15! Gilly writes hot real life stories over at her blog, Stagey Sex, and is here today to talk about the kind of personal sex challenge that I’m sure others have tried out too. Having squirted once, and loved it, she wanted to be able to do it more consistently. But how? With sex toys, willing fingers, and determination: here’s her story.


Threesome with a fucking machine

A while ago, the lovely folks over at Doxy commissioned me to write a couple of erotic stories for their site. Recently, because they are lovely and kind and they want you all to have the BEST wanks, they gave me the go-ahead to upload it in full here – as text and audio porn. It’s all about a woman who goes hunting for a guy to help her realise her dream: having a threesome with a fucking machine.


Ten things I hate about Doxy Number 3

OK gang, listen up because I’m angry. For years – YEARS – I have been recommending the Doxy to anyone and everyone with a clitoris. It’s the turbo-charged fuckstick of my wildest dreams and by my rough calculations it has delivered more orgasms in the three and a half years I’ve owned it than any living human has given me over the course of the rest of my life. Myself included. I love Doxy so much I would recklessly and gleefully abseil down the nearest tall building to unfurl a ‘FUCK YEAH DOXY’ banner that could be read from miles away. But now Doxy has launched a new toy – a compact wand called ‘Doxy Number 3‘ – and I am, to put it mildly, livid.

Here are 10 things I hate about the Doxy Number 3.
