Tag Archives: advice

What heartbreak feels like for different people

Would we be more gentle with each other’s hearts if we knew how much it hurt when they get broken? I mean ‘hurt’ in a literal physical sense here. I used to think heartbreak was a universal physical sensation – one we all experienced in the same way. But recently I’ve discovered that heartbreak feels like different things to different people.


How do I get men to seek help with their mental health?

I have two questions for you. First one: if there was a dodgy step on the staircase in your house, how long would it take you to fix it? Let’s say that the step itself is mostly irritating, but occasionally dangerous. You have to remember to jump over it every time you go up or down stairs, but sometimes you forget and your foot just plunges straight through, causing you to twist your ankle, or worse. When close friends and lovers come round to visit you, they often get trapped by your dodgy step, then extract themselves and help you patch it up. Most of them recommend you call a carpenter. So, first question is: how long would it take you to get it fixed? Question two: how’s your mental health lately?


3 things to do with lube that are not anal

I used to be ambivalent about lube. OK, more than that: I used to be actively wary of it. As if using this substance represented a giant failure on my part to get my cunt wet. I used to feel as if lube was for anal, and only anal. But one of the things I’ve enjoyed most about my forays into the sex industry is just how ubiquitous lube is, and how many different uses there are for it. So let me pass on some of my learnings to you: unusual things to do with lube.


Guest blog: 14 tips for protecting your online privacy

Sometimes people ask me how I stay anonymous as a sex blogger. The honest truth is that, while I have a few cast-iron rules for online privacy (never give away name or address unless there really is no other option, separate devices for separate lives, etc) I am not enough of an expert to give you the advice you’d need to keep your own online persona from bleeding into your real life – and vice versa. But this week’s guest blogger Stella – @MlleLicious – teaches security awareness and is here to share with you some key tips to protect yourself online. So whether you’re worried about sharing nude photos, or want to avoid online stalking and harassment, the advice below gives some key online privacy tips. With thanks also to @NathOnSecurity who proofread and made some suggestions.


Terrible sex tips: How to be bad in bed

To be honest I struggle to explain to people how they can be good in bed. When asked for sex advice, my answers are boring and waffly, because being ‘good in bed’ depends so much on your own desires, and those of your partner. But the other day I re-watched ‘How To Maximise Misery’ by CGP Grey, and I figured it may be easier to explain things the other way round. So here’s how to be really bad in bed. I should warn you in advance, though: while all humans have the capacity to be a bit bad in bed, being truly bad in bed requires dedication and hard work…
