Tag Archives: fetish

Guest blog: Surveillance kink, one to watch
It’s been a while since the genius Jenby (aka @JenetalTorture) guest blogged for me, but if you’re familiar with her incredible past work (Pun-tastic pony play, anyone? Bimbofication? Squirting? Read the lot, treat yourself!) you will understand why, when her pitch email popped up in my inbox, I positively squeaked with glee. All her work is clever, funny, horny, and kinky-as-fuck, and frankly if I had been asked which writer I thought most likely to have had intense fun with a surveillance kink, her name would be top of the list. Got yourself a smart home? Know that it can be used to absolutely fuck with you…

Guest blog: Rescue me – I have a damsel in distress kink!
Have you ever fantasised about being rescued by a hero? Wanted to be the damsel in distress? Sidenote: there is apparently no gender-neutral term for ‘damsel’ and I would love to create one, because I bet this kink is shared by people of other genders too! Today’s guest blogger is Lex (@LexusRanger), and she is here to talk to you about the appeal and complexity of having a damsel in distress kink…
Note that this piece talks about struggling/fighting – it’s all within the boundaries of consensual role play.

Guest blog: Fun with a guy who had a muscle kink
As someone who is inordinately proud of even the tiniest hint of muscle on my own body, I love knowing that one day I might get to shag a man with a muscle kink. Today’s guest blogger met such a man, and had a super fun and sexy time with him. In today’s anonymous post, she’s here to tell you about sex with someone who has a muscle kink, and how sometimes even sex which doesn’t immediately press your buttons can be a fun and playful way to spend your time…

Guest blog: Playing with a client who had a Bond Villain kink
Much like today’s guest blogger, the fabulous Laura Savage (@thatlaurasavage), I am a huge fan of specific, unusual kinks. I love hearing about the scenarios that turn people on, and the ways in which people plan scenes to cater to something very precise. So when she offered me a guest blog about a client who had a Bond Villain kink, I whirled around in my office chair stroking an imaginary cat and cackling with villainous glee. Take it away, Laura…

For the glory: Glory hole audio porn
This gorgeous glory hole audio porn was written by Cal (@uncmfrtblynmb) and originally appeared on his Medium blog. It is read here by rmp792.
Moans filled the video booths, in time with the EDM pulsing behind. Nervously, he shut the stall door behind him and pulled the latch.