Love Without Limits: could your relationship survive Louis Theroux?

Image by the lovely Stuart F Taylor

Picture the scene: you’re lying in bed on a Sunday morning, having a coffee and a croissant with your beau or beaus. The doorbell rings, and in walks Louis Theroux. “Can I get you anything?” he asks, as you grin to cover the weird atmosphere and desperately wish you’d had the opportunity to brush your hair or put some fresh knickers on. “Tea? More coffee?” Slightly-too-long pause. “And tell me…” he continues, in his lovably awkward way “Tell me – are you happy?”

Last night I watched Love Without Limits – the Louis Theroux documentary in which he follows a few polyamorous groups to try and get a feel for what draws them to polyamory, and how they arrange their relationships. Cards on the table: I’m not polyamorous myself. Even at my most secure, I struggle with jealousy, and I also struggle to conceive of how I’d go about supplementing the love I have for my current partner. We are open-ish, in that we sometimes have sexy fun with friends if we’re in the mood, but although I have tried quite hard to cultivate compersion, the idea of either of us having another romantic partner makes my heart twist and my stomach lurch a little.

I am a bit sceptical about monogamy, though. I am frustrated that it’s so often presented not just as the ‘best’ but often the ‘only’ possible way to have romantic and sexual relationships. Given the sheer number of human beings on the planet, and the massive variety in what makes each of us happy, I think it would be a statistical miracle if it turned out that all of us are meant to enjoy and experience love in the same way.

What I’m saying is that I went into Love Without Limits keen to see examples of how some polyamorous people make their relationships work, and gauge how Theroux (Professional Layperson) might react.

Aren’t you miserable, though?

The key question on Louis’ lips seemed to be: aren’t you miserable? Aren’t you lonely? Don’t you wish that you – only you – could be enough for someone? It’s a really interesting question. Incredibly rude, of course, but Louis literally makes documentaries for a living, and I doubt any of the subjects went into it with their eyes closed, so I reckon probably a fair question to ask.

But it’s interesting because it’s so rarely a question that I’m ever asked. As a monogamous person, people rarely probe me in depth about the state of my relationship. Sure, they’ll interfere a lot around the edges: I’ve often had to parry ‘do you have a boyfriend?’ and ‘when are you going to have kids?’ or ‘are you planning on getting married?’. But very few people have ever quizzed me about whether the structure of my relationship is the right arrangement for me. No one’s ever asked if, as a monogamous person, I ever feel lonely or jealous or left out. I’m in the majority, I’m doing what ‘most people’ are expected to do, and as such I never have to explain it or justify my decisions.

Yet polyamorous people field these questions all the time, and in the Theroux documentary everyone got plenty of opportunity to answer them, as Louis did his traditional bumblingly-British probing to see how they really felt, deep down. I sound like I’m being rude about Theroux, but I do genuinely like him: I think he asks interesting questions sometimes, and I think his style often gets at emotions and stories that would be lost by other interviewers. But I also think he went into this documentary with the aim of showing a deep and unfathomable well of sadness beneath the surface of polyamory, which was bound to skew the outcome: if you asked him to show the dark side of monogamy I’m sure he’d be able to rustle up three monogamous couples with a well of pain to share. If you started watching Love Without Limits convinced that monogamy was the only – or best – way to do relationships, I don’t think you’d have found much to convince you otherwise.

Love Without Limits: who were they?

There were a few things that frustrated me about the programme. Let’s start with the fact that it’s called “Love Without Limits”, as if polyamorous relationships are just a no-rules, no-responsibilities free-for-all. Most people I know in open or polyamorous relationships would find the idea of ‘no limits’ entirely bizarre: there are, of course, negotiations and discussions about what each person wants and needs, as well as often careful plans around how and when to introduce new people into the relationship. Even those who would advocate a ‘no rules’ system along the lines of relationship anarchy are still usually aware of important responsibilities (and therefore limits) around things like communication, health, or how much care and love each person needs. There are always some limits to any relationship, because at the heart of everything there needs to be consent. Informed consent, where people are aware of the risks and benefits of what’s happening, feel comfortable expressing their needs, and comfortable listening and understanding and responding to other people’s.

Given this, there were definitely some moments in the programme where I felt uncomfortable. I cringed – hard – when Jerry told his wife Heide he’d be happy to watch her and her lover having sex, and she pulled an ‘eww’ face before telling him that wasn’t going to happen. I felt sad for Bob, who at one point was pushed by Louis to admit that he wished he were ‘enough’ for Amanda. And I was gutted for Mattias when he spoke one-on-one with Louis, and expressed some doubts about his partner taking on a new metamour while she was pregnant.

But this stuff didn’t feel uncomfortable because it’s polyamory: the most cringe-inducing moments of the programme were the times when it became clear that people had conflicting needs, and were either struggling to articulate those needs properly or struggling to be heard by the people who were meant to care. I think it’s easy to look at polyamorous relationships and attribute all the sadness to the fact of polyamory rather than do what we’d do with monogamous relationships, which is explore the reasons for the conflicts themselves. Polyamorous people can sometimes be selfish, difficult, frustrating, callous, unthinking and cruel, just like monogamous people. They can also be shy, nervous, worried, insecure, bad at expressing themselves, and capable of falling into the same traps and cycles as monogamous people do. When I fight with my other half, no one ever says ‘well, have you considered polyamory?’ as if the problem lies not with us or our current difficulties, but the very foundation on which our relationship’s built.

Could I survive a Louis Theroux documentary?

Are you happy? I think I’m happy. I struggle with a lot of stuff, and my partner and I have our fair share of fights – though we fight much more helpfully now that we’ve done relationship counselling. Are we lonely, though? Fuck yes. I am often lonely, because my other half doesn’t always do exactly what I need and want at any given time. It’s natural, he’s human. Sometimes he isn’t able to give me the kind of love I need, and vice versa. I know he struggles with loneliness sometimes too, because he relies on me for a huge proportion of his social life, and I often need time alone, or to go out without him, or whatever it might be. Both of us are sometimes selfish, and fail to do the things that would make the other one happy.

I don’t know how I feel about all the people featured on Love Without Limits: it seemed like some of them were happy, some of the time, and some were unhappy too. Some of them seemed kind and thoughtful, others a bit naive, some quite selfish. But I’m worried that the programme invited quite a lot of the wrong kind of judgment: that there’ll be lots of people who watched it and came out feeling justified in saying ‘Ha! I KNEW it! Polyamorous people are all wracked with jealousy and insecurity all the time! What a terrible way to have a relationship! This proves we should all be monogamous.’ Excellent polyamorous blogger and all-round lovely person Amy of CoffeeAndKink wrote a little about the judgments overheard from work colleagues the day after Love Without Limits aired, and over on Twitter @thalestral has written a fascinating thread on the ways in which the show seems to invite these kinds of judgments – check those out if you’d like to read more.

But to me the key question I’d ask of anyone who wants to pass judgment on a different relationship model is: by what criteria are you measuring a ‘good’ relationship, and how does your model stack up? Do you get jealous? Do you feel lonely? Are you unhappy sometimes? Does your relationship always provide the best possible environment in which to pursue happiness? If Louis Theroux sat at the end of my bed and really probed me on how monogamy was working out, he’d uncover a lot of sadness alongside the happy bits. But the sadness is part of the balance we’ve struck, and the arrangement we’ve come to that seems to make us happiest. And while I certainly wouldn’t say any of the relationships on Love Without Limits is perfect, I do think that Theroux was holding them up to a standard of perfection that’s mostly a fairy tale. There’s no such thing as ‘happy ever after’, no matter what your relationship model looks like. There are just people, being people, to varying degrees of success.


  • fuzzy says:

    Another well-crafted missive. It appears from here that one of your gifts is provoking empathy in other people by speaking honestly enough and well enough that they can see the world through the lenses you hand them.

    Thank you.

    • Girl on the net says:

      Blimey, that’s one of the nicest things anyone’s said to me. Thank you so much – that’s incredibly kind of you <3

  • The One says:

    This is beautifully insightful, really enjoyed reading it, thank you 💖

  • L says:

    I started watching this last night, and have to confess being a bit judgemental of the people on the show…

    Thing is, I’m also polyamorous. I sat there thinking “why do they always choose people with issues in their relationships for these shows?”.

    So, thank you for the prompt to ask myself, how would I fare if someone asked me probing difficult questions about my relationships, or my husband’s relationships? I’d probably do fine for most of the time, but I’m sure some sadness or doubt or general resting bitch face would come through for a few seconds, and boom!, that would make the cut.

    What we need is some polyamorous characters on TV, where their polyamory is not used as a story point, it’s just who they are. I think it’s going to be a while til that happens.

    • Girl on the net says:

      Yes, definitely! I couldn’t agree more re: polyamorous people on TV. Representation is always such an important step in helping people to understand things!

    • yargh! says:

      cuz it would be an awfully boring show if they just interviewed happy and secure people with no relationship issues (if such people even exist).

  • Mia More says:

    Very well put, GOTN – as always. As with any relationship, Polyamory is all about healthy Communication. And then some!

    (Not that this is about me, but…) I was the guest ‘Sexpert’ on a BBC Radio show recently about Cheating*. I made the point that what constitutes Cheating is entirely personal – not only to the people in the relationship but to the individual. And as you said above, it’s Communication that makes every relationship work better, and often professional guidance is especially helpful in establishing Communication of a congruent and healthy kind – for couples too.

    Louis is great at what he does yes, but just like you wrote, if you go looking for “a deep and unfathomable well of sadness beneath the surface”, then that is exactly what you’re going to find.

    Fab piece: I’m with you all the way, My Lovely!

    (*BBC Radio Show on Cheating – )

  • May More says:

    Great article – I am not poly and would find it difficult, but that is because of my own personal insecurities – but what really annoys me is when monogamy is held up as “model” lifestyle when it continually appears to fail. Polyamorous relationships have to place communication at the centre of their lives – as Mia says above, communication should be a key factor in all kinds of relationships, Monogamy, of course, would work so much better if honesty and communication were seen as assets rather than people being scared to talk out in case their partner does not like what is being said or is hurt by it.
    And it is a horrible thought – Louis Theroux being anywhere near my bed! ;-)

  • Private person says:

    Those advocating polyamory tend to claim that it is a viable answer to the unhappiness found in many conventional relationships. So if something is claimed as a route to happiness it’s not unreasonable to probe whether that’s really the case. From what you and other reviewers have written – guess what – it’s not.

    • Girl on the net says:

      Hmmmm. I am not sure where you get this from: “Those advocating polyamory tend to claim that it is a viable answer to the unhappiness found in many conventional relationships.” I haven’t met any polyamorous people who would seriously claim that polyamory is ‘the answer’ to unhappiness found in monogamous relationships. Most people I know who are polyamorous instead highlight that things like jealousy or loneliness don’t just disappear because you’ve taken on a different relationship model. I wouldn’t take anyone seriously if they claimed their particular model was ‘the answer’ to unhappiness, because – guess what – there is no such thing.

    • Poly Organiser says:

      As a poly person, and an organiser of poly events, I have met a lot of poly people. What I can say is that whilst no one believes it’s a solution to feeling unhappy in conventional relationships, many people have mentioned that they have felt more fulfilled in themselves because they are now living (and relationshipping!) in a way that feels more authentic and genuine to them. For me personally, I like to say that it’s more work (because all relationships include work, and I have 4 of them!) but less effort (because it feels more natural to me). It’s like someone who is naturally an artist becoming lawyer instead. They can succeed, and might do very well in fact, but they never quite feel fulfilled or satisfied with their career, and they succeed in spite of not being naturally drawn to it. Many poly people probably could survive in a mono relationship, and many of the same situations/skillsets apply (there are really very few poly-specific problems that don’t have a non-poly analogue). Doesn’t mean they’ll be as satisfied and happy as they could, even if that mono relationship is with someone they care about deeply.

      I think relationships in general (especially monogamous ones with marriage and children) are often claimed to be a route to happiness – and maybe that works for some, and not for others. I would suggest that it probably isn’t a great way to think of relationships however, no matter your prefer relationship model.

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