Tag Archives: clothes

“Let’s swap clothes”: Watching my boyfriend strip for me

I like it when he wears my knickers. I like it when he wears short silk shorts, too – the kind he’s bought for me but that look too good on him for us not to share the pleasure. Given my love of seeing him wearing my clothes, it’s inevitable that one night I suggest to him: “Let’s swap clothes.”


The junk tuck: why I love watching him get dressed

In contrast to some of my longer and ramblier blog posts, this one’s short and sweet. Not quite a love letter, but a kiss blown from across the room. A casual ‘fuck yeah’ when someone suggests something horny or the brief, swift kick you get in the pit of your stomach when something you weren’t expecting turns you on. Today I want to write about the junk tuck.


Sexy boots, fishnet hold-ups and other confidence tricks

I wear sexy boots because I imagine they make me look better when I’m bent over and being fucked. I wear boots because they make me feel powerful. And I wear boots because without them I am just a person, and a person is a frightening thing to be.


Guest blog: She wears leather for me

I read this week’s guest blog three times before I even replied to the guest blogger. Then I ran into the room where my partner was sitting and read it aloud to him. Then I read it again on my own. Then, finally, I emailed him back to say ‘HOLY SHIT YES PLEASE.’ As he explained in his email, it covers fetish and voyeurism but at its heart it’s about relationships. Knowing each other, trusting each other, and doing those things that you just know your partner will love… Jason explains why his wife wears leather.


Sexy shorts are the summer gift that keeps on giving

“SHORTS,” my brain screams, irritatingly. “LOOK. MEN WEARING SEXY SHORTS.” Try as I might to shut it up, it refuses to be silenced on the most important issue of the day. “LOOK,” it insists, even as I try to distract myself by remembering my times tables, “THERE ARE SEXY LEGS ALL OVER THE PLACE. SHORTS. LOOK AT THE SEXY SHORTS.” So I comply. I drink it in. And I melt with lust.
