Tag Archives: collar

Sex is great but… Cunnilingus trials: a femdom fantasy
This incredible femdom fantasy is written and read by Ferns, and originally appeared on her website Domme Chronicles. It started as the following tweet: “Sex is great, but have you ever lined up 5 submissive men on their knees, grabbed each one in turn by the hair and shoved your cunt into their mouth to see which one gives the best oral so you can throw that sweet boy into a collar and drag him off to your lair…?”

The Relentless Moon – werewolf erotica
Every year for Halloween I try to take an evil/scary creature and sexify it by writing some erotica. In past years we’ve done a succubus, a siren, a vampire and (my favourite from a filth perspective) a zombie. This year, @OnQueerStreet suggested I take on a werewolf, and I liked the idea of writing something romantic and loving that had hidden teeth. So here goes: The Relentless Moon. Werewolf erotica, for Halloween 2020.
This story is also available as audio porn – click ‘listen now’ above, check out the halloween tag for more spooky/filthy stories, or visit the audio porn page to get all the audio smut.

Guest blog: What does my collar mean to me?
There are so many cool aspects of BDSM that I don’t fully understand… until someone who’s into them explains why it appeals. I’m delighted to welcome Spices of Lust to the blog today – they’re a blogging couple who document their BDSM life (click the link!) in all its glorious kinky, emotional, fascinating detail. Today, she’s here to talk about collaring: what makes someone want to wear someone else’s collar, and what does wearing a collar mean in their relationship? If you enjoyed this peek behind the curtain please do share this post, check out the Spices of Lust blog, and follow @LustSpices on Twitter!

Collars and leashes and refreshing your kinks
When I was young, I wore a dog collar. A literal, actual dog collar of the kind you could buy from any old pet shop. Black leather, studded: the kind you’d use if you wanted your dog to look slightly menacing. I desperately wanted my boyfriend to clip a leash through the metal loops and pull my face onto his cock while I sucked him. But he never did.