Tag Archives: porn

Porn with no plot: getting turned on when there’s no story

“What was the plot of that porn, then?” He asks me, twenty seconds after we’ve both come. We’re sitting side-by-side on the sofa, him covered in spunk and me casually discarding the dildo and Zumio I used to get there myself. On the TV the porn scene we were watching still plays: porn with no plot, just a couple of people having a vigorous and sexy shag. He reaches for the controller to switch it off as I try to put into words what ‘the plot of that porn’ really was.


Guest blog: VR sex with a twist

This week’s guest blogger is Sara, who you’ll have met before in her amazing post about what happened when her girlfriend released her from chastity. Today’s guest blog contains an equally hot scenario and I am not sure what I love more about it: the sheer intense hotness of the fuck, or the skill and patience which was put in to making it perfect. As someone who’s a big fan of VR porn sex games, I am in absolute awe of what happens here, and I hope if you got similar gifts for Christmas, it might inspire you to see if you achieve similarly orgasmic things…


Guest blog: Weird wank – I control his dick

I love it when people tell me about unique, sexy concepts that haven’t occurred to me before: a new way to control a submissive, a new sex trick, a cool atmosphere they managed to conjure during a shag. This week’s guest blogger – @OxyFromSg who writes erotica with Phedre Sinclair at this blog right here – has exactly that: an unusual and kinky arrangement, which he’s loosely titled the ‘weird wank’. Before we start I want to let you know that he has sought permission from the guy he does this with, who’s happy for him to write about their dick-controlling antics. Enjoy!


Watching my boyfriend masturbate to porn: hottest moments

Watching my boyfriend masturbate is one of my favourite treats. If you offered me the choice between it, or a trip to Thorpe Park, I’d tell you to crack out the lube because the Saw rollercoaster is disappointing in comparison. I’ve already told you about watching him wank in the shower, so for those who enjoyed that (and there are, apparently, plenty of you), here’s a more recent iteration: watching my boyfriend masturbate to porn. Let’s break down some of the hottest moments in a kind of highlight reel.


“There is no such thing as feminist porn!”

Is there such a thing as ‘feminist porn’? I’m genuinely surprised to learn that some people think there isn’t. It’s quite a philosophical question, encompassing as it does the definition of what ‘porn’ actually is, and prompting me immediately to wonder: if there’s no such thing as feminist porn, what would self-pleasure look like if the whole world was feminist?
