Tag Archives: used

Use me, please use me

This incredible piece – ‘use me’ – is written and read by Robyn of Robyn Eats Everything and originally appeared on their website. 

You seem stressed today, darling. A little frazzled around the edges, as though you’re tired of everything and everyone. What do you need? I know, how about you fuck my throat until it’s raw?


You’re restrained and used all day long

This kinky free use fantasy in which you’re used all day long by your partner is written and read by JM Seaborn of WrittenInKink.com. Note that it contains the use of ‘Daddy‘ as an honorific, but everyone in this piece is a consenting adult.

You have the day off. Your Daddy does not. When his alarm sounds you nuzzle into his neck and breathe: “today is the day, Daddy.”


In use: a gang bang fantasy

This stunningly filthy gang bang fantasy is written and read by Molly Moore, and originally appeared on her website. Note that this fantasy contains humiliation, degradation, restraints, a gang bang, mentions of piss play and elements of consensual non-consent.

I don’t have all the pieces. It is a fantasy. Sometimes they can be a bit like dreams, with bits that just happen, or locations that you don’t really know or recognise. It is about how it feels, how it makes me feel, much more than it is about the where or the who. There are various version of this fantasy, they share a central theme but the details change. I have never written this one before. It always felt too personal, too intimate in some way but the current kink of the week which is about being naked while everyone else is clothed made me think about this story and so I decided to see if I could give life to the images in my head.


Bored and ignored: whatcha reading?

This bored and ignored scenario is the next in the wank tales series, which I tried to write up to balance out some of the more aggressive and brutal ones. There’s still a lot of desperation/urgency in this one, but way more consent. In the spectrum of what I tend to find hot, this is at the cutest end. 

I’m reading a book. It doesn’t need to be an erotic book, and in fact it’s probably better if it isn’t. Just a book that I’m really absorbed by: perhaps a re-read of one of my favourite page-turners or something brand new by an author I adore. I’m lying across the bed on my stomach with my nose buried in a Kindle. He comes in and lies next to me on the bed.


Backstage girl: used after the gig

This delicious fantasy about being the ‘backstage girl’ is written and read by the fabulous Barefoot Sub, and originally appeared on her website. 

There I was, outside the door that would take me to him. I had dreamt about this moment since he first came into my life, since the first time I was allowed to see him, albeit a photograph. Though the fantasy that I knew would never be brought to reality had been deep-rooted since my teens, being invited to one of his gigs was almost as good. I could stand in the crowd, listen to him play, watch his fingers dance over the frets knowing exactly what those fingers could do. I would mirror those fingers as I followed my instructions, to edge myself during the course of his set. I wasn’t allowed to orgasm, but he wanted to be able to find my eyes and see my heat through the crowd.
