Submit your sex blogs to be turned into audio porn

Image by the fabulous Stuart F Taylor

Do you run a smutty website? Would you like to turn some of your awesome sex blogs into audio porn? I’d love to hear from you! I’ll pay a license fee to produce your work as audio and give you a widget to embed those stories on your own website, which makes your erotica more accessible to people who use screenreaders. If you’re willing and able to record your own work, I will also pay you to record them yourself. Interested? Read on…

This post originally went up during last round of commissioning, but I’m republishing in April 2024 – some details have changed so please do read carefully before submitting! 

What do I need?

Sexy blogs and erotic stories – either fiction or non-fiction anywhere between 1000 and 3000 words (though this can be flexible). These posts need to be already available online – either on your own sex blog/website, or another site where they would benefit from having audio published alongside. The aim of the audio porn project is to make existing erotica more accessible to blind users and others for whom the ‘screenreader robot voice’ just doesn’t cut it when it comes to smut.

I cannot afford to pay huge rates, so the aim is to pay excellent sex writers for work you have already produced, so you can make extra cash without effort. It also gives me an excellent opportunity to promote your site, and your work, on these pages.

Stories should be

a) hot

b) easy for a solo voice to read aloud (i.e. not too heavy on dialogue/sound effects!)

c) legal

I’m interested in both true sex stories and erotic fiction, and I have a particular interest in BDSM stories as they tend to do well on the site. Stories written in first/second person tend to work best as audio (i.e. “I ripped his clothes off” or “I want to rip your clothes off” rather than third person “she ripped her clothes off”) because it’s sexy to hear these whispered through headphones into your ears!

To get an idea of the kind of stories I love to publish, check out the guest audio page. I am always especially keen to hear from people who are writing from different perspectives to my own (I am a mostly-straight, predominantly-submissive, able-bodied, cisgender white woman) so if you (and/or your characters) are queer, disabled, trans, people of colour, and/or have kinks that sit outside of what normally gets covered in the mainstream, I would be delighted to hear from you. And given the aims of the audio project as a whole, I’d be especially keen to receive applications from blind and partially-sighted writers!

What’s in it for you?

I will pay you £20 for a license to adapt/use each story. If you are keen and able to record your work yourself, I will also pay you £30 per piece for each recording. So £50 per story if you record them yourself. If you have never recorded audio before, I can also help out with equipment and training so you have kit and info to record more of your work in future – ask me about this if it’s of interest!

I will edit and produce the finished audio, and publish it at the free audio porn hub where stories receive over 150,000 listens each month. You’ll also have a dedicated author page which will include links to your own blog and any other relevant projects you’d like me to include. See an example audio page here for the fabulous writer and reader Robyn Eats Everything.

I’ll give you an embed code so you can add the audio to your own website, which gives you rich in-page content that should delight your readers, make your website more accessible, and give you SEO benefit too. The audio widget looks like this:

Listen as audio

And you can see an example of it on someone else’s site via Molly Moore’s amazing story ‘Cuckboy’. I cannot stress enough how important this is to the project – it’s not just about publishing sexy erotica here, it’s about making other sites more accessible to people using screenreaders, and if possible helping writers get the equipment/training/help they might need to record more of their work outside the project if they want to.

For this reason, at the moment I am only looking to license work that already exists on websites/blogs, to which the audio can be added later. You can check whether embedding is possible before submitting your work by testing with a YouTube video – YT allows embedding in the same way as the audio player that this site uses.

Erotic writers: Interested? Here’s what to do

Copy/paste the following questions into an email and send, along with your answers to hellogirlonthenet [at] gmail [dotcom] before Friday 24th May 2024.

  • Blog name/url: 
  • Links to 5 posts/stories that you would like me to turn into audio porn. 
  • If you are looking to record your own work, please attach a sample mp3 file of you reading a couple of paragraphs, with the best equipment you have available, in your best sexy voice and the best quality you can. Sound quality and reading style is really important to listeners, so I may ask to use a different voice to record your work – please don’t be offended if I do this! You are welcome to refuse it though, for any reason.

I have limited budget so I cannot guarantee I’ll say ‘yes’ to everyone I’m afraid, but I will aim to get back to everyone who contacts me by Monday 3rd June 2024, and if it’s not possible to license your work this time there will be more opportunities in future.

Frequently asked questions

I’d like to read my work but I have no experience – can you teach me? 

Yes! As long as you’re happy to take a bit of time at the start to read through some guidance, have a few practice runs and take feedback on board, I’d love to help you read your own work. If you’re not keen to read that is absolutely fine – I have a gang of incredibly talented readers who would be happy to bring your gorgeous work to life!

I am not an erotic writer, but I would like to read for you – can I audition? 

At the moment I am lucky enough to have multiple fabulous readers who can pick up extra recording where I need it, so I’m not looking to bring on anyone else right now.

My sex blogs are heavy on the dialogue/needs more than one person to read as it’s a two-person story – can I still submit?

I would love to explore creating some dual-voice audio at some point, but unfortunately time and budget constraints mean this isn’t possible at the moment. If, however, you have a story that is written from two different perspectives (along the lines of this pair – He’s gonna take you slowly/She’s gonna take you slowly) I’d love you to include links to that in your submission!

Next steps

If your work is selected, I’ll drop you an email with a licensing agreement and overview of what it all entails, then ask you to sign and invoice me if you’re happy with everything. You’ll get an agreement which lays out the terms, for which you can opt in/out of how you’d like your work used. Check out the post I wrote for The Smutlancer about putting together consensual licensing agreements if you’re interested in the nerdy detail of this – big thanks to Neil Brown of decoded:legal who has helped to create a clear outline for it, and made the expansion of the audio porn project possible. He’s a diamond.

When that’s done, I’ll get started on turning your work into lovely, sexy, accessible audio porn – read by you, or me, or another fabulous, sexy-voiced reader. The audio will be sent to you when it’s ready, so you have a copy for yourself, then it will be added to the publication schedule ready to go on the site. All audio goes up on my Patreon first, because those lovely fuckers are the ones who make this audio work possible, then later it’ll go live on the site and I will send you a link and embed code so you can add to your own blog too.

Any questions?

If you have any questions about this please feel free to drop a comment below. It’s easier if you comment rather than tweet or email, because then the answer is there for others to see if they have the same question!


  • Hello, I just saw your ad and I’ve been trying to do this audio thing but failing miserably. Are you in need of any suggestive/erotic poetry. I write at and would love to send some poems through.

    Also, are there royalties for the audio (if they are put on Spotify etc), or is that what the license payment is for?


    • Girl on the net says:

      Hey! I’m definitely up for considering poetry – I love poetry and if you have some that’s wankable please do consider submitting in the next round. This round’s currently closed but I will likely be doing more commissioning in the summer so do keep an eye out then for new subs guidelines.

      I don’t put audio up on Spotify at the moment, or any other platform that works that way in terms of royalties (to be honest, the amounts would likely be so small it wouldn’t be worth the admin), but I do sometimes sub-license audio to other sites (i.e. other websites would pay a fee to license work already produced) and guests can opt in to that if they like. If they do, and their work is chosen/sub-licensed then they get a residual payment later down the line. As a general rule though, it’s best to assume that the license fee is the fee you’ll get and any other money would be a surprise bonus.

  • Quick question because I pretty much never write in first person: is third person an option (I personally think one person reading both characters is fine but that’s a matter of taste) or would you rather have submissons in first person only?

    • Girl on the net says:

      Third person is also fine! First/second tend to work especially well for audio, but I do publish third-person pieces too, as long as they aren’t too heavy on dialogue!

  • Dan says:

    Hi! I’m super-late for this post, but was wondering if you were still accepting submissions. Thanks!

    • Girl on the net says:

      Not at the moment but if you subscribe to the blog I’ll do another post when I open up commissions again!

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